A quick video to illustrate how to make a hammock in 3 minutes (or less).
Materials Needed
1 – 60×126 in Crinkle Taffeta Tablecloth
2 – Continuous rope loops
Optional Materials
1 – Gütermann Tera Thread
2 – Zip Ties
The tablecloths come pre-hammed on all the edges, so all that needs to be done to convert them into a hammock is to whip the ends (gather them up) and wrap a continuous loop around the bundle. The video illustrates the “W” whipping method where the end of the hammock is folded in a unique way to create the end bundle.
The second method illustrated in the video demonstrates sewing a narrow channel on the ends and using a zip tie to gather the hammock before the continuous loop is used to whip the end.
The final method I discuss briefly is sewing a channel where the suspension is threaded through. If you plan on sewing a channel, be sure to use the stronger Gütermann thread.
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