The Truth About Hammock Camping: Claim #2 – Hammocks Are Comfortable

It wouldn’t be honest not to admit that I occasionally have a bad hang in a hammock. Some comfort issues are common enough to become regular complaints among avid hangers. So, without further delay, let’s jump into the next claim.

Claim #2: Hammocks are comfortable.

The Truth Is: They are, most of the time. But I would say that hammocks are a kind of learned behavior. Unlike sleeping on a flat bed at home, hammocks have a way of moving, especially if you’re hanging it in different places every night, say on a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. Differences in hang height, distances between anchor points, and the angle of the hang can all influence the shape and lay of the hammock bed. Hammocks are still new entrants in outdoor recreation, so the learning curve is a little high compared to more “traditional” shelters. Here are the most common complaints regarding hammock comfort:

Hammock Cold Butt Syndrome


Cold Butt Syndrome — One of the most common complaints and challenges to a comfortable hammock’s night’s sleep: your backside gets cold when you should be warm. Even with that 20°F (-7°C) rated sleeping bag can’t keep you warm when it’s 40°F (4°C) at night.

Shoulder Squeeze — That nagging problem when the sides of the hammock wrap too tightly around your shoulders causing discomfort through the night.

Calf Pressure — Some hammocks can create a stiff ridge of fabric right in the center line that puts pressure on your legs.

Ankle Strain — In some positions, the hammock will provide a lot of support directly under your feet, putting pressure on your heels and ankles, and can lead to the next discomfort: leg hyperextension.

Leg Hyperextension — When you have great support under your feet, but not under your legs, you’ll feel pain in your knees and legs.

Fear of Falling Out — Some folks worry about staying securely in a hammock all night, especially for those who toss-and-turn a lot.

Motion Sickness — When demonstrating hammocks to a group of friends, one of them got in and immediately complained of getting sick from the swaying. His stay in the hammock was short-lived.

Claustrophobia — That trapped, close feeling you get when the walls are pushing in toward you.

Multiple People In One Hammock — Almost anyone who’s tried to sleep with a companion longer than a 5-minute nap will agree that discomfort level correlates with the number of people in the hammock: more people, more discomfort.

The Solutions

I’ve experienced almost all of these discomforts while hammock camping, yet I still prefer hammocks over sleeping on the ground. Why? Because most of these discomforts can be resolved, though some more easily than others. When hung correctly, hammocks offer superior comfort over a range of conditions. Indeed, overall comfort is the number one reason people stick with hammocks, even if they experience one or more of these problems. Comfort is the main reason people pick hammocks in the first place. At all of my hammock presentations, it only takes moments for investigators to convert once they get a chance to lay in a properly hung hammock. However, therein lies two weaknesses for hammock newcomers: getting a perfect pitch and having a guide nearby to coach them.

Do you need a coach in order to hang a hammock correctly? Of course not. In fact, many camping hammocks today have simplified the process with daisy-chained tree straps, such as the KAMMOK® Python Straps™, or fixed-length ridge lines, which allow you to quickly attach and hang a hammock. I won’t deny that practice helps perfect hammock hanging, and having a mentor can really help. More often than not, the universal solution is proper hanging technique. As I mentioned before, hammocks can be finicky, and for some there is a learning curve that makes it difficult to consistently get a good hang. Here are some quick tips and solutions to the problems stated above.

Cold Butt Syndrome — Whether inside a hammock or sleeping on the ground, you compress the insulation under you. A closed-cell foam pad or self-inflating pad are low-cost solutions to insulate you underneath. Purpose-made under quilts that hang under the hammock ensure fluffy insulation keeps its loft and keeps you warm. Around 70°F (21°C), you’ll start to feel cool beneath you. Depending on the conditions, sometimes a sleeping bag is enough, or maybe a fleece bag liner. I find that when I am warmer underneath me, I stay warmer overall and often need less insulation on top. Fight cold butt syndrome with adequate insulation and don’t rely on a sleeping bag alone.

Shoulder Squeeze — When a hammock is strung too tightly, it pulls the edges tight, creating what I call the “canoe” effect. I literally cringe each time I see this happen because it can cause other problems like a high center of gravity and a tippy hammock. Some people actually don’t mind that tight, snuggly feeling, so your mileage may vary, but hanging a hammock with a nice curve (a.k.a. “deep sag”) is one key to getting a good lay and avoid the “squeeze.”

Hammock, sleep diagonal

Calf Pressure — Like shoulder squeeze, one culprit of calf pressure is the angle of the hang. I usually hang longer, wider hammocks with a deeper sag and narrow hammocks with a tighter pitch (but still with a good sag). When you run out of time or patience to get the perfect sag, one way I eliminate calf pressure is to sleep with my legs crossed. This creates a space for that hammock ridge to run without hitting my calf. Side sleeping also cures the calf pressure problem.

Ankle Strain & Leg Hyperextension — Just like calf pressure, you can relieve this problem with a good sag or by adjusting your sleeping position. However, there are some hammocks on the market that feature “foot boxes” and/or are created with an asymmetric piece of fabric. These hammocks require that you sleep in the same diagonal direction (e.g., head on the left, feet on the right), but the comfort is remarkable. Notable hammocks in this category include the popular Warbonnet Blackbird and the UK Hammock Woodsman X.

Knee pillow for hammock camping

Another way to eliminate this strain is to place a pillow under your knees. Alternatives include a flexible water bottle (e.g., 2.5 L Platypus), extra clothing, or other soft items in a stuff sack.

Fear of Falling Out — This one is easy: hang your hammock with a deep sag! With a lower center of gravity, it is nearly impossible to just “fall out” of a hammock unless you really mean to. Laying on the diagonal also provides high walls that keep you centered in the hammock. I toss and turn sometimes in a hammock when shifting from my back to my side and have yet to involuntarily fall out. However, I also find that the hammock takes away the pressure points that are the cause of most tossing and turning, meaning you’ll thrash around less and sleep more..

Some people fall out before even getting in. I had this happen at a recent hammock demonstration because the person didn’t follow my instruction to sit in the center of the hammock. Consequently, this person leaned back off the edge and fell out. To avoid this “sit-and-fall” problem, make sure you spread the hammock fabric WIDE and sit in the CENTER of the hammock. Swing your legs in and lay on the diagonal. I can’t help irrational fears.

Motion Sickness — I’m one who can get motion sickness while sitting in a motionless car and watching nearby vehicles pass, yet I’ve never been motion sick in a hammock. Motion sickness can be such a problem for some folks that nothing can be done, however, there is medical evidence that the gentle swaying of a hammock is beneficial and contributes to a deeper sleep. Some hammocks have side tie-outs that help prevent swaying, and I’ve also reached out and grabbed the ground to stop the swaying when it was more than I preferred. If you have a serious medical issue with motion, it may be best to avoid hammocks.

Claustrophobia — This is an issue mostly with hammocks with integrated bug netting, or with add-on tube-style netting around the hammock. Sometimes it just takes some getting used to, but if the bug netting is just too close for comfort, I recommend getting a simple gathered-end hammock and use a large bug “tent” when necessary. There are some add-on bug nets that provide lots of room (e.g., Hammock Bliss Sky Tent, and the Grand Trunk Mosquito Net).

During times when bugs aren’t a problem, gathered-end hammocks are wide-open and very roomy. In fact, some people take issue with the openness of hammock shelters. People that are used to enclosed tents sometimes find the wide open view “less protected.” When I first transitioned to hammock camping, I preferred the closed in feeling of my Hennessy Hammock until I got used to the simple tarp tent concept. Now, I prefer having the extra room. In fact, hammocks can offer the most headroom of any tent since you can decide how high or low to pitch your tarp.

Bunk style hammocks

Multiple People In One Hammock — Unless you and your partner can sleep like synchronized swimmers, it can be very difficult to move without disrupting the sleep of your partner. On occasion, my kids have joined me in my hammock when they couldn’t sleep. In these cases I slept horribly while they slept soundly. If you want to be close to your camping parter when you hammock camp, I recommend you find a spot where you can pitch your hammocks side-by-side, in a triangle, or bunk bed style. In some cases you can even share a tarp. There is only one camping hammock on the market that is designed for two people that is even practical for backpacking: the Clark Jungle Vertex. If you are car camping, you might be interested in the Tentsile hammock line; they offer a few 2- and 3-person hammock platforms.

Hopefully you never experience any discomfort in your hammock, but if you do, there are solutions that don’t require you to go back to the ground (unless you really, really want to).

Have you experienced any of these issues? What were your solutions? Are there other discomforts you’ve experienced that didn’t make my list?

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141 responses to “The Truth About Hammock Camping: Claim #2 – Hammocks Are Comfortable”

  1. George Gagesch Avatar

    One of my biggest problems was waking up with cold feet. Basically my feet were pushed up higher then the UQ. Come to find out my body was seeking its center of gravity and with my torso being heavier I would slide down. Solution of course is to hang the foot end higher.

    1. George Avatar

      I, too, have colder feet! I don’t recall where I got this tip from exactly but it works great. When hammock camping, just prior to hitting the sack, boil up some water and fill a hot-water-proof nalgene bottle or similar and make sure it is tightly sealed. Slip this into a large wool sock. Put that down at the bottom of your bag or end of your hammock so you can play footsies with it. This not only keeps my feet warm but on those super cold nights I can make 2 of these and keep one up near my chest to really warm me up. This worked great for me down to negative 10 ish 🙂

    2. BivouacBradley Avatar

      This is why I always wear warm two layer socks to bed. I would never sleep with socks on at home but in a hammock it’s a must.

      1. Derek Avatar

        I agree. I always bring a pair of “sleeping socks” with me; it really helps with cold feet.

      2. Jon Tocker Avatar
        Jon Tocker

        I wear socks to bed when camping, regardless of whether it’s tent, hammock or hut. I always carry a dry pair to change into at night – it’s amazing what a fresh pair of dry socks does to increase your warmth.

    3. Mark B Avatar
      Mark B

      I’m getting the stiff ridge of fabric in the middle of the hammock even in a Warbonnet Blackbird…now I know I’m doing something wrong, but what? 🙁

      1. Derek Avatar

        A calf ridge I a blackbird is uncommon. Have you played with the hang angle?

      2. david helsdon Avatar

        Check out the Chrysalis for your next hammock. It provides lift under the knees to eliminate hyper extension and calf pressure. It also relieves shoulder squeeze and ankle strain.

        1. Pete Stack Avatar

          Na – I’d rather try the Helsdon Hammock – WAY BETTER 🙂

          1. Derek Hansen Avatar

            It is a nice hammock!

  2. […] have an article from the ultimate hang, which may help you decide if they are for you or not. […]

  3. br79 Avatar

    a real easy trick for cold butt is to put a space blanket
    (emergency blanket, yea know the silver ones) under yer sleeping
    bag in the hammock. It blocks any cold air from hitting you and
    keeps yer butt heat in.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Mylar blankets can help, but they do have a few drawbacks. First, they aren’t breathable so moisture will collect that can chill you. Mylar doesn’t stop conductive heat loss, so while evaporative, radiant, and convective are lessened, your heat can still be sapped away. Some have used those car windshield sun shades that are wrapped in Mylar in hammocks. They are a little better because they have some padding. The Hennessy super shelter is based on this product.

      1. chokapi Avatar

        I use those foam-backed windshield blockers with reflective material. They’re light, cheap, and add a bit of insulation as well as reflectivity. The ones I get even have that can be used to attach to the ridgeline. Oh, and they don’t crinkle much.

        1. Derek Avatar

          I used one of those early in my hammock career and I’m now testing one from Hennessy. It’s an interesting option, but prone to condensation. What’s been your experience?

          1. tj Avatar

            I used the hennessy deep jungle which has the double layer for the windshield reflector on my a t thru hike attemp and it works well but it is prone to condensation. Every time i took it out of my bag it had moisture on it.

          2. Derek Avatar

            I have the same hammock. Did you use the reflective bubble pad? If so, that is the culprit. That pad doesn’t breathe or allow for air flow so condensation is a problem. In colder temps the dew point varies and condensation issues fluctuate. Their super shelter padding is much better, or an under quilt for warmth.

          3. Rob Avatar

            I still use an Exped airman on top of windshield blocker on top of a foam pad. I use my Marmot Sawtooth as a quilt. Just slept in 25F. Had to sleep in my shorts because I got too hot.

    2. Hobo Baggins Avatar
      Hobo Baggins

      I sleep in a kammok. I finally solved the cold butt issue with a more durable version of the space blanket I found on amazon. It’s sort of a lightweight plastic tarp with one side coated in a silver mylar finish, very durable and rectangular, with the width almost identical to the kammok at the middle. I added some extra grommets to match the loop points on the kammok sides and to make a drawstring with shock cord at each end. I also added a few grommets in the center field for added breathability. It is wind proof, water proof and on it’s own with no blanket or anything in the hammock it prevents cold butt at 60 degrees in the wind. For colder weather I add a surplus quilted poncho liner between the mylar and the hammock and sleep in a warm bag. No pad needed.

  4. Saumya Avatar

    hey. I’m in a design school and I’m doing a project on problems faced while in a hammock. The above information is very useful, but i would like some more. For example: how its difficult for overweight people to get out of hammocks due to the sag. General and simple problems like these. Could you help?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I don’t think it is any more difficult to get in or out of a hammock just based on your weight. If you are doing a scientific study, I’d be interested, but just gathering subjective opinions might not be very useful for a report. If a hammock is hung correctly, at chair height, it will be access. You need a control study where the only variation is occupant weight (if you can control height, that would be important too). Feel free to send me an email if you have specific questions.

    2. Brian Kennedy Avatar

      Just as long as the hammock is rated for the weight, it’s no problem. I’m 6’8″ and 320lbs. I get a little extra sag that I’ve fixed by either using two trees closer together or supplementing with static climbing robe for further distances.

    3. LJ Dellar Avatar
      LJ Dellar

      Something I have wondered why hammock manufacturers don’t do: The DD hammocks (which I use, being UK based) have a double-layer base between which you can push a sleeping pad. I use an Exped Downmat 7 in mine, but why not make the BASE OF THE HAMMOCK as an inflatable or self-inflating mat from scratch? How simple would that make things?

      1. Derek Avatar

        I’ve thought the same thing. The challenge is huge, however. Construction could involve a fairly complex curved shape with baffles, etc. It would increase manufacturing costs significantly.

        1. LJ Dellar Avatar

          I agree it would increase costs, however many current sleeping pads have a complex curved shape with baffles (see the Thermarest NeoAir xLite, for example), and because you are only adding the baffles, effectively, as the skin of the pad is the twin base layers already built in, there shouldn’t be a great weight penalty. I can’t imagine it would add more than 50-100 dollars to the cost of the hammock, which you’d spend on a good airmat anyway, and you’d have the choice of inflating fully, not inflating at all, or anywhere in between. This would also make the hammock more suitable for use as a “ground nest” as I often do with my DD (no trees in much of Dartmoor…), perhaps with the addition of a protective groundsheet, piece of Tyvek or similar.

          1. Ecominguez Avatar

            This is a great idea!, I put a thermarest pad, I sleep great, but, would be great not to carry the thermarest and have it included in the hammock. I will avoid the isue I have to put the thermarest and keep it in the right place when entering or moving inside.
            I think that the main problem could be to fix or repair holes, etc…. Sometimes is almost imposible to fix, and you will loose the hammock, or you would have to add the thermarest anyway.
            But… may be with care… it can last forever…

      2. D Smith Avatar
        D Smith

        I could be wrong but I think most hammock sales are intended to be used for more temperate/warmer climates. Once you put an integrated pad on it, you eliminate a hammocks ability to be used for it’s primary purpose.

        But a hammock without a pad can always have one added in. Besides I think it’s easier to add a pad than to take out an integrated one. It could also be a much bigger risk to raise costs to make a hammock that less of the demographic who wish to buy one would be interested in.

        1. Kim Kremer Avatar

          Kammok sells a winter barrier that replaces the bug netting in the Mantis. There are plenty of folks who use hammocks in cold & freezing temperatures.

  5. Saumya Avatar

    Thank you so much Derek!
    I will surely get back to you 🙂

  6. […] The spreader bars on the Lawson achieve what some are finding with mini spreader bars on gathered-end hammocks: the elimination of bunched up fabric that can cause a ridge running under your legs, contributing to calf strain and hyperextension. […]

  7. Don Avatar

    I actually use open cell foam padding and it is comfortable! Just don’t get it wet. Even in the wind, the open cell foam keeps me very warm.

    1. toni Avatar

      put it in a clear plastic bag. then it wont get wet

  8. obewise Avatar

    I had to chuckle at the “Motion Sickness” reason. I’ve been toying with the idea of tying a string to an adjacent tree and keeping the other end with me in the hammock just so I can give it a tug now and then to rock me to sleep. Hammock camping is awesome. I can’t imagine ever going back to being a ground dweller.

    1. chokapi Avatar

      There are places where hanging is just not feasible, legal, or appropriate. I want to scream when I see people hanging on softwoods – and there’s a forest in NJ that is nothing but Pygmy Pines, a rare species. Some idiot posted a picture on hammocksforum showing a hang between a pair of them, as well as some sawed poles to support the porch on his tarp.

      However, I can tent camp, there. And I daresay it would be even more comfy than hanging; it’s sugar sand under six inches of pine needles. Very nice. Usually don’t even need a pad.

      1. Derek Avatar

        No matter what our recreational pursuits, it is important to follow posted guidelines and rules. I’ll admit that hanging on softwoods can be a contentious subject. More research is needed to determine the long-term impact of hanging a hammock from a softwood. A working “rule of thumb” would be to use wider straps and pads on softer woods. The first principle of Leave No Trace is to plan ahead and prepare, so if a trek takes you into a pine forest, for example, plan accordingly. If a hammock is your only shelter, it can be pitched on the ground like a tent. Sleeping on the sugar sand and pine needles sounds cozy!

        1. stan Avatar

          Funny how people are “leave no trace” with the environment, concerned about the well being of trees [who they “support” in life shows the irony] and forget to practice this care when they dine on corpses. Same for sports fishing, not keeping them, like they are doing the fish a favour, leave no trace just a hole in their face. The embarrassment of being a human ….
          As for hammock design, I’de like to see more wedge like platforms. Three anchor points may need more time in finding a good spot though. Like the treeztent minimalist, but their weight, cost and complexity is to excessive imo. I’de even sleep in a modified hammock chair, lean it back a little, include a net and fly, one anchor point yet stabilized by the fly pull outs, use your walking stick as the brace.

          1. Bob Fiske Avatar
            Bob Fiske

            With all due respect, Stan, apart from a percentage of cultural exceptions, it is appropriate to our species to eat as omnivores.. no less than other opportunistic and witty scavengers like Crows, Mice, Bears and Raccoons. In any case, almost everything any of us eats comes from a living being.. we’re all soaking in it, the chain of life and death.

            ‘Leave No Trace’ sounds like an extreme requirement, but the spirit of it has really been one of staying in balance with our contact to the wild lands, and trying to compensate for our blind excesses and our blunt impositions. Naturally, it’s going to be complicated, and fraught with contradictions.

      2. James Ritchie Avatar

        Pygmy pines are one thing, but the whole notion of “leave no trace” is complete nonsense, and not something anyone who really knows nature would ever say. People, and animals, and Mother Nature, have been leaving intense traces for thousands of years, and almost all are invisible within months, even when severe. You do a forest no favors by not touching it, by not cutting saplings, or by worrying about the damage a hammock strap can do to a softwood. You are, in fact, causing that forest to stagnate, to die, and quite possibly to burn to the ground. Those who really believe “leave no trace” is a good idea need to stay home and look at photos of nature.

        1. Rob Avatar

          As if “home” leaves no trace. What is home made from? Doesn’t the exhaust of electric power plants injure plants, and animals great distance down stream? Our friends who eat only plants impact the inviorment every time they power up their phone.

  9. luke Avatar

    I am really enjoying my new hammock, it is so comfortable. I also like the option of throwing off the tarp and taking a nap while staring up into the trees, it’s such a peaceful experience. I have 30′ of 1″ uncut webbing that I use as the tree strap and tarp hanger, works out great, I can hang my glasses and headlight from the strap a few feet over my head. I think I need to add a carabiner to the ends of the straps for easier tree mounting, plus a better sleeping bag to stay warmer. My eno double has extra material to allow diagonal sleeping and also to disappear beneath the upturned edges. I also thought about obewise’s idea of a swing string. I want to find or make some sort of hammock sock that is 1/2 solid and 1/2 mesh along the axis to provide either rain cover or bug cover, and to be able to squish it either down at my feet or above my head to deploy when needed. I am using a cheap plastic tarp now and my wife likes to call me a squirrel in a doritos bag when I move around.

  10. Tecti Avatar

    Thanks so much for this info! I will be hiking the AT next spring and I am now convinced about doing it hammock-style. Do you have any tips or websites for building your complete hammock? I’d like not to spend more than $100 or so… I saw that the Henessee scout was that price, but if I could make one as good, I’d rather do that!

    1. Derek Avatar

      Tecti, you can make a hammock for far less than $100. I’m making hammocks with my scouts next month and we spent about $25 for all the materials (this does not include the tarp). I’ve got some DIY articles here on my blog and I’m planning on posting a few more in the next few weeks, but if you’d like to send me a PM via email, I can send you more details sooner.

      1. Jeff Avatar

        Great article… I have been camping in extreme cold and heat with a hammock (wind, snow, sleet and rain). It makes things a challenge at times, but with a little creativity, it can be extremely comfortable and rewarding on those long hikes.

        A tyvek bivy sack (home made) helps with water proofing, cold drafts and it i$ cheap!
        A down throw carefully tied to the under side of the hammock (becomes a 10 dollar underquilt) is helpful for cold bottom problems.
        A cork, stake and 550 cord fasten to your hammock and then to the ground (both sides) keeps you from excessive rocking.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Thanks for the great tips Jeff! I just made a Tyvek under quilt recently — an easy, fun, practical addition to my hammock portfolio.

        2. chokapi Avatar

          I use those rubber bouncy balls as toggles, and then 550 to shock cord to 550. I’d found that guying to the ground with static line can cause little jars when the wind blows, and can bounce a little when you move. The shock cord acts as, well, a shock absorber.

          1. Derek Avatar

            This is one reason I like using shock cord on my guy lines.

      2. Bryan Avatar

        I’d love to have the details for making a hammock for our scout group. I will send contact info.

  11. Weston Avatar

    One of the things I have found to be very helpful in sleeping in my hammock is using a sleeping pad. I fold it in half in put it in the sag of the hammock. This helps level it out as well as give myself insulation against the cold.

  12. […] Another hammock option is this complete system from Hennessy called the Asym Expedition. With this hammock you get rain cover and bug netting. The big benefit from this hammock is its asymmetrical design that allows you to lay in the hammock diagonally, which relieves many of the issues that hammock campers face. […]

  13. […] hammock users will tell you that comfort is the number one criteria for choosing a hammock (see Claim #2), and will argue that weight is less of an issue when you know you are going to get a good sleep at […]

  14. Roj Avatar

    So I just got a Hennessey Asym Zip Deluxe because I’m 6’4″/250 Lbs. Rigged it the first day I got it because I was excited – whoo new toy :O) . Thought it was great, decided to sleep in the yard that night. Conditions this weekend are similar when I’ll use it most – in the fall when night temp will get down to 0C. Read up on the subject and put a thermarest inside to combat getting a cold butt – that night I kept sliding off of as I moved and getting very cold butt syndrome. I used an oversize sleeping bag (not sure about it being too big) + a pillow (way too big and comfy) form the house. I had also played with the setup (tighter and was not comfy). Slept for about 5 hours. Second night, swapped big pillow for my small camp one (way better), put in two overlapping thermarests (mistake) and tightened the hammock more (mistake). That night I woke up with cold but syndrome again but this time two thermarests had slipped around so my whole sleeping arrangements were one big bundle of stuff, upside down back to front and in my face. Rearranging my setup inside mainly meant me twanging my nose off the overhead rope and/or grabbing handfuls of fabric to rearrange myself. The extra effort and stuff in my face made me claustrophobic so I stuck my head outside for a while. Fell asleep, woke up cold @ 1am, gave in and came back inside. I think getting in and out of a sleeping bag keeping a thermal barrier in place as you get in will take some practice. Glad I didn’t experience all that in the back country :O)

    1. Derek Avatar

      I feel your pain! Thankfully I began hammock camping in the summer in Virginia when nights were warm and cold butt syndrome easier to fix. As temperatures dropped I experienced several nights of what you describe. One tip that may help with a pad is to put the pad inside your sleeping bag. This keeps it from moving around. Claustrophobia can be a problem with a sleeping bag since the hammock hugs you more so more fabric is pulled around you. This is one reason quilt style bags are generally preferred in a hammock. You can do this with a regular bag by keeping it unzipped to the foot box. When I used pads, I cut one in half and tuned it sideways for full shoulder coverage where this hammock touched.

    2. Mark Avatar

      Three ways to go.

      Persevere with your current set-up

      Keep ya HH and invest in a under-quilt

      Trade in the HH and get a double skin Warbonnet which would accommodate your pads

      One day it will all make sense 😉

      1. Roj Avatar

        Probably didn’t help using a +6 c bag in -2. =:0)

        1. Roj Avatar

          Hi – slept out again last night and had a much better sleep. Didn’t get cold butt as it was warm enough with no pad. Hung the hammock much looser – a bit too droopy judging by the ridge line (shorten it/take up the slack if it’s more comfy?) and was waaay more comfy – slept pretty well. Sleeping bag is hard to manoeuvre in and takes some contortion to get the huge head hood up past my shoulders. Got lots of practice getting out and going for a pee. I am working towards a lightweight camping setup to take backcountry kayaking. :0)

          1. Derek Avatar

            One reason I prefer to use a quilt style sleeping bag (one without a back and a zipper) is that it is far easier to get in and out. I’m glad to hear you were able to get a better sleep with a different sag in the hammock.

    3. Hobo Baggins Avatar
      Hobo Baggins

      I used to sleep in a Hennessey with a Thermarest. The sliding pad nearly made me ebay the hammock. The fix was so simple I felt like a fool when it was handed to me. Get a sheet of that rubberized mesh for lining tool drawers or keeping rugs from sliding on hard floors. It’s super cheap and easy to cut to size. Put it under your Thermarest and the slide will stop. If you Thermarest has a sleeve/cover you can even sew the mesh right to it.

      1. Roj Avatar

        Thanks for the tip – im off into the wilderness end of september so ill try it out

  15. Jen C Avatar
    Jen C

    I camped with a friend last year who used a hammock and I was frequently jealous so i am considering making the switch this season from my tiny “two” person (dubbed the ‘bear burrito”) tent to ‘hanging’. I am totally enjoying the info on your site and have, well.. a ‘girl’ question… Even in my bear burrito I can sit up/lay down change my clothes and such. The hammock just seem a lot less convenient for ‘personal privacy’ needs. Any thoughts / comments?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Not just a “girl” question — we want to provide privacy for our Boy Scouts in the same way. Hammocks can provide a huge amount of space and screening for privacy or very minimal; it all depends on the tarp you use. With large tarps, you can get 360-degree coverage and have stand-up clearance — much better than any backpacking tent. Smaller tarps make it difficult. I’ve changed clothes inside my hammock with a small tarp, but it can be challenging doing the “inch worm” movement 🙂

    2. Mark Avatar

      You may also find you can change clothes while wearing a sufficiently large rain poncho to keep yourself covered.