Crotch Guard by Derma-Tect – Review


Crotch Guard

Chaffing isn’t something I like to talk about, but it is a reality for me and many people who hike, backpack, or even bicycle long distances. I was given an opportunity to test Derma-Tect’s Crotch Guard this summer and provide this review.

Product Description

Crotch Guard was originally developed for cyclists to “reduce friction and eliminate chafing irritations.” I’ve used other products that work more like underarm deodorant that are thick and messy. In contrast, Crotch Guard comes as a spray. It is easy and quick to apply. It also has the side benefit of being easy (and hygienic) to share. The company says the formula will not stain clothing because it gets absorbed into the skin, not just on it. The active ingredients are Polydecene and Triclosan.

Polydecene is a synthetic polymer that functions as an emollient (softening and smoothing) and skin-conditioning agent. It is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and has a silky feel. According to my research, Polydecene is both orally and dermally safe and is commonly used in cosmetics.

Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent found in consumer products, including toothpaste, soaps, detergents, toys, and surgical cleaning treatments.

Overall Impressions and Updates

I shared Crotch Guard with my son who completed a 50-miler this summer with the Boy Scouts. I admit, the product name sounds a little hooky, but it works! We both have had chafing issues on long treks, so it was good to get his impressions as well. From his perspective, it worked great. Applying Crotch Guard is much easier than roll-on brands, although getting the spray bottle oriented can be a little awkward. He said that he only felt the product for a few moments after the initial spray, but he didn’t notice it afterwards. One application seemed to work fine for the whole day.

hiking-in-arizona-mountains with crotch guard
Using Crotch Guard, we experienced no chafing, even on a 60-mile, week-long backpacking trip.

My own impression was similar. Spraying is less messy than a roll-on, but it can be a little challenging to keep the bottle upright to work correctly (a minor set back). The product also lasts a long time! A week full of daily use for multiple people and we only used a small amount.

Recommendations and Review

Criteria Rating Notes
Anti-Chafing ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  Seems to work well.
Price and Value ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  The 4 oz (118 ml) bottle has lasted a long time and I’m very happy about that. Other brands tend to get used up much faster and are more expensive.

Available Features/Specifications


  • Hypoallergenic
  • Antibacterial
  • Absorbed quickly and completely into the skin
  • Does not contain chemical dyes
  • Does not contain any fragrances


  • Ingredients: Polydecene, Triclosan

Disclosure of material connection: The author (Derek Hansen) was provided with a free sample from the manufacturer for testing and evaluation purposes. The comments in this post (written & spoken) are of my own opinion, which I formed after personally handling the gear.


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6 responses to “Crotch Guard by Derma-Tect – Review”

  1. tazmaniac60 Avatar

    “but it can be a little challenging to keep the bottle upright to work correctly (a minor set back).”

    Sounds like a new yoga pose has been invented.

    1. Derek Avatar


  2. […] via Crotch Guard by Derma-Tect – Review — The Ultimate Hang […]

  3. Andy bullock Avatar
    Andy bullock

    Strong work d-rock! Strong work! Lol

  4. Mark Avatar

    I actually just use a small squeeze bottle I fill with olive oil. Works extremely well. Would probably work even better with a less absorbent oil like castor bean oil mixed with vegetable or mineral oil to thin it out. This oil has many uses for camping, from chaffed thighs and nether bits, to cooking, to “me time” and “we time”.

    1. Rowan Twosisters Avatar

      maybe no mineral oil for the “we time” variety. Midwife talking over here.