Rigging a No-sag Hennessy Hammock Tarp

My first camping hammock was the Hennessy Expedition Asym. It was the hammock that converted me to staying off the ground when I went camping. However, I was often frustrated that I couldn’t keep the stock tarp taut, particularly when I got in the hammock. I could make everything look amazing and beautiful on the outside, but once I got inside, the hammock settled and the tarp went slack. Limp. Frumpy.


My solution at the time was to remove the tarp from the hammock and pitch it separate from the hammock, but there are still a few advantage to having the tarp connected to the hammock suspension:

  • Easier set up and take-down (especially when using a sleeve or SnakeSkin style stuff sack)
  • No conflict between hammock and tarp suspension
  • The tarp is always centered over the hammock
  • No abrasion with tarp line on the tree bark
  • Lighter (ounces to grams)

Connecting a tarp to the hammock suspension isn’t restricted to the Hennessy Hammock models. You can tack on a tarp to any hammock so long as the suspension extends long enough to provide a connection point. For example, you can connect a tarp to whoopie slings using a prusik knot on the non-moving side of the adjustable loop.


The ‘trick’ to rigging a no-sag Hennessy Hammock tarp—to keep the tarp taut even when the hammock is loaded—is all in how you hang the hammock. Traditionally, the Hennessy is shown being pitched very tight across the anchor points. However, the tighter you pitch the hammock, the higher the horizontal “pulling” forces, which in turn, stretch the suspension components more. That stretch lengthens the suspension (a lot or a little), which changes the hypotenuse and the point where the tarp used to be, thus making it slacken.

Also, if the trees on which you are hanging are small, those tighter pitches can also pull the trees in slightly, further adding slack to the tarp.

Instead of pulling the suspension tight and “as level as possible”, hang the suspension at a 30° angle. This minimizes the horizontal pulling forces and minimizes the change between the original hang angle and the final angle once loaded.


The tarp connection point can also placed further up the hammock suspension, which keeps the tarp taut when the hammock is loaded.

I often add elastic shock cord to tension the side tie-outs of my tarp. This can help take additional slack out of a tarp (especially if it has been raining, which can stretch nylon material). This is an optional step, but it can help in some cases.

But, don’t take my word for it—give it a try and tell me what you think.



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69 responses to “Rigging a No-sag Hennessy Hammock Tarp”

  1. Trekker44 Avatar

    OK I tried this with my A-Sym Ultralite. It was not ideal for me. It did tighten up the fly somewhat, but it caused a ton of sag in the bug mesh. It also made the sleeping position much more like a backyard hammock — very saggy in the middle. I had to re-rig in the middle of the night. I love the comfort of this hammock but it is so much harder to set up than a tent I am about to give up. Thanks for the idea though. I do agree that a totally flat line is not good for loading forces.

    1. Coy Starnes Avatar
      Coy Starnes

      Is this a Hennessy hammock? If so then I would have thought the actual hammock body would still be about the same lay due to the set distance between the ends of the hammock. Yes, putting in more sag will shorten that distance a little but not much. Anyways, before you give up on hammocks you might try one more time with a little less angle. Even a 20 degree sag will help keep the fly tighter than the way I used to pull mine almost banjo string tight.

      1. Trekker44 Avatar

        Yes, it is a Hennessy. Doesn’t shortening that distance even a little cause the bug fly to sag? That was my main problem. I prefer a tighter bug fly so it does not touch me from above.

        I finally have resorted to a separate line for the fly. It takes the hammock out of the realm of lightweight backpacking but it really seems to be required to me.

        1. Derek Avatar

          No, you aren’t shortening the ridgeline on the hammock. It remains taut and operates as normal. The only change is the angle of the suspension.

    2. Michael K Johnson Avatar

      I commented above about my solution of bending about a foot of shock cord to the ridge line to take up the slack when hanging at a 30⁰ angle, but not overstrain the ridge line if I hang the hammock at a tighter angle (as Hennessy seems to recommend). It does leave a diagonal fold in the bug net but keeps it out of my face.

      The suspension cord is strong enough for a flat hang angle, and there’s nothing magically right about 30⁰ beyond that being the angle at which the tension on each suspension line is equal to the total load—pick an angle that is steeper than the very flat angle Hennessy’s videos show but shallow enough for a comfortable sleeping position and you might be happy.

  2. jimbob010 Avatar

    OMG, I thought I was alone in my hammock hanging OCD. Never been able to sort this problem until I found the website. Well done you!

  3. Alain Avatar

    Thanks for your analysis and solution of the sagging-fly phenomenon ! Better self-flattering than fly-fluttering…
    I used to hang my first generation non-asym Hennessy (with a bigger fly) and very straight by passing an extension of the prusiknot through the anchorpoint and back to the fly. This made for a a selftightening fly suspension system when the hammock was loaded.

    1. G Hang Avatar
      G Hang

      would it be possible for you to take some pictures of this method? or better yet a video!

  4. c neill Avatar
    c neill


    You rock !!! I found your You Tube video one day before I took my 7 year daughter out on her first campout.

    I set up my Hennessey hammock at the campsite right next to her Scout hammock using the 30 degree angle method that you showed.

    Anyway, it rained so hard that night that my daughter couldn’t hear me yelling to her to stay in the hammock. But she did and both of us stayed dry.

    Your hanging method saved us and I am not kidding. I have used my Hennessey probably 50 times plus and have had leaked problems because I didn’t understand the reasons why.

    Your video was the difference and I can’t thank you enough.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thank you! This was reassuring. I’ve been reading comments of people who I don’t think watched the video and I’ve been considering making a follow-up (I still might). I’m glad it worked for you!

  5. Powell Avatar

    Hi Derek, Just stumbled across you site and really like the info. I have the XL deep Jungle but I do not sleep well on my back like a banana and get back pain. Decided to do this next Rubicon run using the hammock as a tent with a 4×6 air mattress under it, and it may rain on us in 2 weeks. Also thinking to set the tarp high sit under with out it touching my head. any suggestions? Thank you in advance, excellent write up., Powell

    1. Derek Avatar

      Did you see my post on how to stay comfortable in a hammock? If you sleep diagonally you will flatten out. Much more cozy. I’ve got other tips in that post.

    2. Derek Avatar

      Using the hammock as a bivy is certainly possible. I’d rather hang it up but go for it! Use trekking poles or sticks to hold up the tarp.

  6. Johnny Avatar

    How is the lay on the HH? Any flatter than others? I’ve been using a Treklight double hammock for a couple years but I’m considering going back to the ground unless I can find something that lays flatter. Not a fan of the kyphotic alignment, hyper extended knees, head pushed forward positioning that I get with the Treklight. I’m wondering if the asymetrical cut might make a difference? Thanks!

    1. Derek Avatar

      The HH won’t help those concerns. It’s a tad smaller inside. A flatter hammock would be the warbonnet blackbird or the UK hammocks xpedition. The foot box and larger size helps a lot. For a completely flat lay, I would go with the Warbonnet ridge runner.

      1. Johnny Avatar

        Thanks Derek. I’ll definitely give those some thought. The ridgerunner is an interesting idea…I’ll have to compare the weight with my current setup.

  7. Coy Starnes Avatar
    Coy Starnes

    Johnny, to add to Dereks comments, I find that the bigger hammocks definitely lay flatter than the smaller ones. And by bigger, I mean longer, although wider helps too. I’ve tried several sizes of Hennessy Hammocks and a couple of other brands like Speer and Crazy Creek and the bigger ones always felt the most comfortable. Same for my homemade ones. I have not had the opportunity to try a Warbonnet but Derek has so I would trust his input.

  8. Vernon Avatar

    Derek, do you know if the HH is a right or left lay hammock, or does it matter, I’ve heard that the asym design dictates this to a degree (I am a right side sleeper due to sinus issues).

    1. Derek Avatar

      The HH hammocks have a head left, feet right design. I’d have to check if they offer a flipped design but I don’t think so.

  9. Greensleeve Avatar

    Would an HH benefit from the addition of a structural ridge line?

    1. Derek Avatar

      All Hennessy Hammocks have structural ridge lines.

  10. Greensleeve Avatar

    Thanks, Derek. I wasn’t clear on that point.

    Any plans to put on any hammocking seminars in Georgia?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I’d love to. Want to sponsor me? 🙂

      1. Greensleeve Avatar

        Hammocking is starting to catch on with my sons’ Scout troop here in Marietta. Two weekends ago my First Class and I pitched Hennessy Expeds (Classic and Zip) and my Webelos II pitched a Byer, covered by a makeshift tarp. (He’s a natural at improvising.) They’d never hammocked before but loved it.

        Let me know what you require and I’ll check in with the troop’s leadership. My email is box5368@gmail.com.

        Meanwhile, do you think the Expeds will do just fine for our upcoming mission trip to Haiti? Or should we spring for hammocks, Hennessy or otherwise, with “jungle” in their branding?

        1. Derek Avatar

          If I were going to Haiti, I’d definitely bring a hammock! No question. Better air circulation, better comfort, better critter protection.

          If you wanted to sponsor a hammock clinic, it might be best to work with the district or council to get broader support and attendance. I only ask for travel expenses, if possible, to cover fuel, meals, etc.

  11. Greensleeve Avatar

    Great, and makes sense. I’ll make some inquiries.

  12. Marc Avatar

    Do you know if this would work with a Warbonnet XLC and Superfly tarp?

    1. Derek Avatar

      You can use this tarp hanging technique on any hammock and tarp, provided that the tarp is connected to the hammock suspension and that the suspension is not hyperextended.

  13. Matt G Avatar
    Matt G

    I think I see another benefit to using a prusik (or klemheist) on the non-moving side of the whoopie sling’s adjustable loop: no more pulled-through whoopie slings! I made four whoopie slings a couple of years ago, and it took just two microseconds of stupidity and carelessness to bring that number down to two. By leaving the prusik/klemheist cord in place, the adjustable loop can’t pull through. Is there something I’m missing here?

  14. Expat in Japan Avatar
    Expat in Japan

    Thanks for a very informative site, and for this article. I think it’s the solution for a problem I’ve been wrestling with.

    In order to hang in wide open spaces with trees really far apart (for breeze, sun, views, and whatnot) I use slightly unusual suspension: long lengths of static cord tied to each end of my tree straps. I throw one end up over a high branch, pull the tree strap up, and have it wrap around trunk. Then I just connect both cords to one end of my hammock. The second cord adds weight but it makes it easier to retrieve it during takedown.
    Anyway, the problem was how to hang a tarp, but thanks to your article, I’m just going to throw a klemheist onto my suspension.

    Cheers again!

  15. Matt G Avatar
    Matt G

    While I was lying in my hammock this morning, feeling the wet spots in my underquilt and feeling sorry for myself, I lamented that I couldn’t adjust the tarp tension while IN my hammock. But then I thought, well, why not? What if I: (1) tie a small bowline in the end one of the tarp lines and run it out to the prusik loop on my whoopie sling suspension, and then back under the fly to the center; and (2) take the other tarp line out to the prusik loop on the other whoopie sling and back under the tarp to meet the bowline in the center. Now I sit in my hammock and tension the tarp from there (running the second line through the bowline and back to a butterfly knot to get a little extra mechanical advantage). The lines will also serve as a ridge line. I’ll try it later today after the rain stops. Does anybody see any flaws in this plan?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Sounds like an interesting idea! Let me know how it works and we can illustrate it.

      1. Matt G Avatar
        Matt G

        Thanks for the encouragement, Derek. So far I have discovered a gripping knot which works better for me than either the Prusik or the Klemheist. It’s the Distel knot, and I found some people on Hammock Forums talking about it. The other two knots work well on the bury part of my whoopie slings, but not a single thickness, and not two single parts side by side. I am using 3/32″ paracord on 7/64″ Amsteel with no slippage so far.
        I am trying to find an easy, one-handed way to tighten the tarp lines while sitting in the hammock. One idea I had was to connect the two lines together in the center using the long axis of a D carabiner. By rotating the carabiner to the short axis, the whole loop gets 2 inches shorter. The carabiner will stay in this position (I hope) because the rain fly itself will hold it in place. Will try it tonight when I camp on the local disc golf course!