Hanging A Hammock Indoors

This video shows the process for hanging a hammock indoors.

I often get asked how to hang a hammock inside. This is actually very easy to accomplish. I’ve been using large metal eye bolts for years, but there are also hanging kits specifically made for hammocks, including the ENO Hanging Kit.

The process is straightforward:

  1. Measure the distance inside your room (wall to wall)
  2. Use the hang calculator to determine the hang point
  3. Locate the wall stud
  4. Drill the holes
  5. Insert the eye bolt (or other hardware)

Materials Needed

1 – Measuring tape
1 – Stud finder (you can also use a nail and hammer a series of holes until you find the stud edges and measure for the center)
1 – Hammock Hang Calculator
2 – Eye bolts (or hanging kit)
1 – Drill with drill bit

If you are installing a single hardware piece like the eye bolt, be sure to drill the hole in the center of the stud.

The minimum hang distance for a hammock, generally speaking, is about 9 ft (2.7 m), but much depends on what hammock you have. A lot of bedrooms are built with 10 or 12 ft (3 to 3.6 m) floor space, but if you have a small room, you could also go diagonally across a room for more distance.

Wall studs are easily found on corners or around window frames, but using a stud finder or using the nail method are good ways to make sure you are drilling or installing in the right place.

One the hardware is installed, hang your hammock! I use various hardware pieces I’ve collected over the years, including large steel S-hooks, steel carabiners, and even short lengths of chain. The chain is a nice because it provides variable hang points every few inches.

I also often use a short length of webbing that I hook on to the eye bolt and then use the Becket Hitch to tie off the hammock. This is a traditional method used in South America.

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195 responses to “Hanging A Hammock Indoors”

  1. Kristine Avatar

    My room is 10×10 and a rental, so drilling into studs is not allowed, I managed a 8ft frame. I would like more stretch to my hammock and will build a better when when I have the money, but after some practice I have a good Idea how to build a sturdy frame

    1. Derek Avatar

      Rentals! Yes, I’ve been there. With some rentals you can do it, just consider it like nailing a picture frame to the wall (unless that is also outlawed). Patching the small hole is easy.

      However, in strict cases, you’ve got to do something else. What I did for a buddy of mine was to use a hammock stand indoors. Like you mentioned, building a custom frame is sometimes necessary. If it were me, I would try a 4×4 stud against the wall with a horizontal cross beam that goes along the ceiling and drill into this frame.

      1. Angela Avatar

        Hi Derek, I was wondering about your 4 x 4 idea for hanging indoors…how does that stay in place?

        1. Derek Avatar

          I need to append that comment. It should be a 2×4 stud. Anyway, you are basically slapping a 2×4 stud to the wall and attaching the hammock to it. You can pre-drill or even counter sink an eye bolt or other attach point.

          1. Angela Avatar

            When you say ” slap” do you mean nail it to the wall?

          2. Derek Avatar


    2. Hammocks4Health Avatar

      Shoot. Go ahead and hang it. That is what hole patch (simple drywall compound) is for… Would be small hole easy fix when you decide to move!

  2. thejaydub Avatar

    I was looking into this for a while, and I read that studs nowdays are often not dense enough to support indoor hammocking. Old houses with old studs – they have dense wood which will be suitable.

    How can I know if my studs are strong enough? Obviously I don’t want to get it set up, get in the hammock, and pull two walls down….

    1. thejaydub Avatar

      My mistake! I wasn’t trying to disparage your post – I actually find it encouraging and would love to hang a hammock in the house. Particularly the garage.

      Quick question though – I guess the forces need to stay perpendicular to the wall? No off angles, right? That would pull the stud in the wrong way?

      1. Derek Avatar

        Jay, no worries mate! I’m not offended in the least. I was actually trying to reply on my phone and kept making mistakes, so my apologies for a half-written response (I hope I’ve fixed it all now). You have valid concerns. Like building something for the first time, you’ve got to test it out to make sure it works. Over time you begin to trust the work because you have more experience and knowledge. Hanging hammocks is the same. Some people are really nervous trying a hammock out the first time, trusting the ropes will hold them, or hoping the hammock won’t rip.

        No matter where you hang your hammock, you want the suspension to come off the anchor point at an angle. This reduces the force on the anchor point significantly. Check out my hang calculator to test this.

        The eye bolts or other bolted hardware should go straight into the wood stud, perpendicular to the wood. No angles. The hammock, however, does hang at an angle.

    2. Derek Avatar

      If you are really concerned, contact a contractor.

      I did a quick search and found one article describing wood densities and warning of sub-standard wood. Curiously, the article came from a lumber yard who recommended using their premium cut wood.

      I’ve heard from others who have been very concerned about damaging their 2×4 studs. I’ve drilled dozens of holes and installed several eye bolts in different homes and never had a problem. Maybe I live on the wild side, but I think we may be over analyzing this.

      If your home has sub-par 2x4s, you probably have a bigger problem than just installing a hammock. Just make sure you drill the hole in the center of the stud. A stud finder is a great way to do this. I also prefer to put the anchors near door and window frames where there is additional supports and beams.

    3. David Avatar

      Hi Derek, I have an extended room that has cinder block walls (hollow) and not a lot of studs (the studs that are there are very narrow). Is there a way to hang the hammock without damaging the wall structure as well as making sure the hammock doesn’t collapse while being used?

      1. Derek Avatar

        That goes beyond my skill set. I expect it would work but I would talk with a builder contractor.

  3. Ricardo Henriquez Avatar
    Ricardo Henriquez

    Hi, I am a contractor. Most wood used for framing here in the US have to conform to codes and if it holds your structure it should be perfectly fine for hanging your hammock. The trick is to pre-drill your hole not to big as when you put in your eye bolt it barely grabs. A good rule of thumb is to use a drill bit 1/3 to half the size of the bolt you are using. Centering it on the stud is also paramount. Patching holes is very easy. If you can tie knots you can patch a wall. Use youtube for that. Happy hanging 🙂

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks for this! Great info.

    2. J Avatar

      Uh, as someone with a lot of experience in construction and building maintenance, the possible issue here is metal studs. They are used in most modern (post 1980) commercial building projects like apartment buildings. These are made from thin sheets of metal and would definitely NOT come anywhere near holding the weight of a hammock. I recently installed a pull-up bar in a wall with metal studs and it required major surgery: I had to remove a section of drywall and incorporate some plywood backing into a few studs so they could take the force–not something your typical apartment dweller can, or will want to, do. If you’ve got wood studs in your dwelling the eye hooks will work fine. But with metal studs you really should either not try it or you should get the help of an expert who can modify the structure to take the force.

      1. Derek Avatar

        Thanks. That is good to know.

      2. cxg Avatar

        In South Florida residential construction also has these metal studs. To hang my TV I put a board on the wall anchored to do different studs then mounted the television to the board. I am thinking that same kind of set up for a hammock, or a 2×4 anchored to the stud floor to ceiling and using that. Any thoughts?

  4. zhanger2 Avatar

    My eno came without the black ties? how do i get those?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Are you talking about the hanging kit not coming with extra ropes? If so, it isn’t a big deal. You can use any rope rated 1,000 lbs or better. What I use in my house are lengths of webbing, mule tape to be exact. I tie a becket hitch with the webbing on the loops in the hammock.

      Check out this post for details: https://theultimatehang.com/2013/07/simple-hammock-suspension-options-using-a-continuous-loop/

  5. Jeremy Avatar

    So if hanging on an angle due to a small room wouldn’t eye bolt be at an angle to the rope? Would this deflection cause issues?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I suppose it can, depending on how acute the angle, and tight the hang, and how heavy the load. Most of my indoor bolts are not exactly even, but the angles are not small enough to be an issue. However, in my master bedroom, the only way I could set up a hammock meant a very tight angle, however, I haven’t had a problem with the bolts bending or timbers cracking, or other issues. I’m not saying “be reckless” — please be careful and thoughtful about how you want to hang, but from my own experience, it has been working very well.

  6. grandadthrawn Avatar

    I have a finished attic with angled walls, (close to 45 degrees) Is there any reason I couldn’t bolt these to the trusses instead of the studs?

    1. Derek Avatar

      That should work.

  7. Josh Avatar

    What size eye bolts are you using in this video?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I believe these are all 3/8 in lag screw eye bolts.

      1. Josh Avatar

        Thank you for your quick reply

      2. Ethan Avatar

        Hey Derek, thank you for the article and the app. Hopefully I’ll get a hammock set up in my room next month. Do you know how wide the eye bolt can be before they compromise the intgrity of the stud? I bought some that looked the same size as the ones in the video at about 7/16″. It’s a little less than a half inch which is a third of the stud. Should I get a smaller eye bolt to be safe since it will probably hold my weight?

        1. Derek Avatar

          That should be fine.

  8. puzso23 Avatar

    With the soccer World Cup around the corner, a hammock could be an awesome substitute for a couch!

  9. Cyntada Avatar

    I’ve been looking for answers to an indoor hammock problem… need one in a commercial office. The wall buildout has studs but it doesn’t go all the way to the structural ceiling. The drop ceiling it does connect to is just a grid with cork tiles and offers no load-bearing support of any kind. I fear that the eye bolt would hold nice and tight to the stud as the entire wall folds in like wet cardboard… considering Mr. Henriquez’s comments, is it worth trying? I’d really like to get this hammock up, but not at peril of the building!

    1. Derek Avatar

      I’d hate to give bad advice with not seeing the space. I would recommend contacting the building manager and getting some support or advice on what to do there. If the walls aren’t load bearing, I think you have your answer.

      1. C Knighton Avatar
        C Knighton

        I’m already looking into building a stand, just seems smarter for the reason you mentioned. Thanks for the confirmation though!

    2. Rob Avatar

      realize it’s been awhile, but most commercial buildings are built using metal studs, not wood… so anchoring to them would not work.

  10. Steve Knipe Avatar
    Steve Knipe

    Hi there, sorry if this has already been asked before. Is it possible to fit a hammock into the corner of a room? Regards, Steve

    1. Derek Avatar

      You mean diagonally? Or paralleling the wall? You won’t have room to lay if you bolt into a corner and parallel the wall, but that should be obvious. Diagonally is also fine provided the angle isn’t too acute.

      1. CK Avatar

        Hi, very helpful post! I’m looking to hang a hammock diagonally in the corner of my apartment room too. How would you know if the angle is too acute for it to work? Thanks

        1. Derek Avatar

          I have a hammock in my room that is very acute. It works. What I did though was place the anchor bolts on reinforced studs at the window and door frames. Consult an engineer or contractor for specific questions.

  11. Cynthia Avatar

    Hello, I currently have a double eno hammock screwed into our walls with large eyelets, and I was wondering if it would be ok for 2 people to sleep in? Together we weigh about 320-340 lbs. Thank you 🙂

    1. Derek Avatar

      Possibly. Much depends on the studs and the weight capacity of the eye bolt. Personally, I don’t find it comfortable to sleep two in a hammock since you will slide together. As long as you love synchronized sleeping, you should be fine.

      1. Cynthia Avatar

        The eye bolts are super heavy duty… the largest ones they had at Lowe’s. The stud capacity is something to look into though. Thank you for all your help 🙂

  12. Ryan Avatar

    Hi! I’ve been sleeping in my hammock for the past 2 weeks and I hear like a cracking sound every time I move. I weigh 230 is cracking sounds normal with indoor hammocks?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Probably NOT a good sound. What kind of anchor are you using? How big are the studs you drilled in to? What other factors are involved?

        1. Derek Avatar

          Are you hanging straight between your anchors or at an angle?

          1. Ryan Avatar

            Almost straight from wall to wall

          2. Derek Avatar

            Okay. How big are your studs (2×4?) and you drilled exactly center? Is your hang angle about 30 degrees? In one of my indoor hangs I hear an initial creaking sound when I I first get in, but this hang is at an extreme angle from wall to wall so the stresses are higher than a perpendicular hang. Some folks create a bridge where they place a board that spans two or more studs and the anchor is attached to the board to help lower the strain on just one stud.

          3. Jack Avatar

            What if you hang it at a angle???????

          4. Derek Avatar

            All hammocks are hung at an angle. Use the calculator to determine hang height.

  13. Funkysod Avatar

    I hang my hammock strap over a door, resting on the hinge on one side. Then close the door pull the strap tight across the top part of the door. Do the same on a door opposit or diagonal from the first door. Works a charm. Been doing it on a lot of different doors, with my a few of my kids hanging with me in the hammock no problem. Never seen anyone else do it or write about it and I would like to share my experience. Happy indoor hanging.

    1. Derek Avatar

      I do this at hotels when I travel. Works well!

      1. Cara Avatar

        Could you describe this a little differently? I’m having a hard time getting the picture. I’m in a dorm, so this is the only option for hanging.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Measure. Drill. Insert eye bolts. Hang.

          In a dorm room, you may not be able to drill holes in the walls, so the question may be moot. If you can drill holes, make sure you use the right hardware to work with cinder blocks or wood. Using a stand may be a better option indoors in some locations.

          If it were me going to college and living in a dorm room, I would build a pipe stand.

      2. Dbass Avatar

        I’m not sure I can picture the way you attach a hammock to 2 doors that oppose one another… I’m staying in a hotel this weekend and would love any pointers/diagrams/pictures/etc

    2. Hammocks4Health Avatar

      Remember the lullaby Rockabye Baby? as long as no one opens the door you should sleep like a baby…

  14. Allen Austin Avatar
    Allen Austin

    If you’re going to use the eye bolts, use shouldered eye screws. Eye screws/bolts are meant to hold a force perpendicular to the mounting surface, or parallel with the shank of the bolt. Shouldered eye screws/bolts will better support an off-angle load such as the hang angle of 30* you recommend.

  15. Brian Avatar

    Is there a chance of pulling the room out of square (I want to hang in my 2×4 framed workshop/shed)? Also is it best to use the load bearing or non load bearing walls in a room?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I suppose it does depend on the structure you are hanging from. I’m less concerned about a fully framed and finished house than a shed. You will have less issues if you hang perpendicular to a wall than on an angle. Yes, I would recommend going with a load-bearing wall or a reinforced beam (like on doorways or windows) than a single wall stud. That said, I would send all technical questions to a mechanical engineer, which I am not 🙂

      1. Brian Avatar

        Appreciate the insight, gives me a point of reference