Weaving a Mayan Hammock

Photo courtesy Wikipedia.com

 Weaving a Mayan Hammock–Video Overview


The Mayan hammock is arguably the most comfortable gathered-end hammock available anywhere, and is notable for being the descendent of the original hammock discovered by Columbus on his voyages to the West Indies. The Mayan hammock is woven using a fairly tight “triple weave” that creates a lattice when pulled apart.

Mayan hammocks tend to be heavy, due to the quantity of string used to create the netting, so this style of hammock is more suitable for sleeping indoors than lightweight backpacking. Much depends on the type and quantity of string used and what size hammock you weave.

I found that the Mayan weaving style is not terribly difficult, but it does take patience and a little time. Once you get the weaving pattern down, expect to spend a few weeks to complete the weaving, depending on how much time per day you can devote to weaving and how big you want the bed.


Materials Needed

  • > 2,000 yards (~1,860 m) of #18 twisted cotton or nylon string for a hammock bed approximately 72 × 50 in (183 × 127 cm). Nylon is more mildew resistant, but cotton will be more comfortable. The clew or end strings, are each half the length of the hammock, effectively doubling the overall length of the hammock.
  • Netting needle/shuttle (8 × 1.25 × 0.1875 in / 20 × 3.175 × 0.5 cm)
  • Loom
    • 3 @ 1 × 3 × 8 (horizontal beams, wedges)
    • 2 @ 2 × 3 × 8 (vertical posts)

The Netting Needle


A netting needle (“lanzadera” or shuttle) is used to load a quantity of string and work it through the warp to create the weave. A netting needle differs from a traditional loom shuttle in that the one end is pointed or tapered, making it easier to poke the shuttle through the weave. These needles are traditionally used for making fishing nets and are still used today to make Mayan hammocks.

You can make your own needle or purchase one.


The Loom

A basic loom measures 6 ft (1.8 m) tall by 6.5 ft (2 m) wide when assembled and consists of two vertical posts or poles and two horizontal beams. Most looms are adjustable via notches in the horizontal beams and holes in the vertical posts so the weaver can make slightly longer hammock beds. These horizontal supports are secured with a wedge so the hammock body can be removed (slid upward) off the frame when the weaving is complete.

You can make a basic, inexpensive frame out of PVC pipe or lumber. To make a traditional stand, you’ll need to cut and assemble the wood poles and beams, including wedges, to make the stand sturdy and long-lasting.


Loading the Loom

Once the loom is built and in place it is time to load the loom with the “warp” string. Begin by tying the warp string to the top of one vertical post and then wrap it around the second post until you wind a sufficient number of strings between the two posts. The number of warp strings depends on the color patterns you intend to weave. You can easily add more warp string as you go along, allowing for color variations on the project, even alternating between the warp and weft strands.

Once loaded, tie the standing end back to one of the loom’s vertical posts.

Loading the Netting Needle

A netting needle can handle only so much string before it’s full, so having a few on hand is a good idea if you want to keep weaving without interruption. Hitch the end of the string (ABOK #1602) around the needle and then begin to wrap around the bottom of the netting needle and back to the top where you wrap the needle again. Repeat this back-and-forth process until the shuttle is full (see shuttle image above).

The Edge “Crochet”

A few sources refer to the edge as “crochet,” which it might be, but it’s nothing more than a series of overhand knots (ABOK #46) evenly spaced along the edge. This is the first task in the weaving process.

  • There should be a minimum of 21 knots, making 20 spaced sections.
  • The knots should be spaced between 3 and 4 inches (8 and 10 cm) apart.
  • There should be a minimum of 4 rows of interlaced knot rows and as many as 8 or 10.

This edging sets the spacing for the weaving along with providing a tight edge to maintain the hammock shape.


First row: Loop around the bottom (first) warp from the back, then around and back behind the second and first warp, capturing the working weft as well.


Subsequent rows: Loop around a knot then go up, capturing a new warp line, then back around to the first line and knot.



The Triple Weave

  • The weaving pattern is “under two, over and around one.”
  • There should be 2 weaves on each of the 20 spaced sections, creating 40 weaves across the hammock body.


Where the weft dips down, pull the two warp strands and insert the shuttle.

As you work along the warp, keep the weft string tight to ensure the lattice isn’t loose when you’re done. When you reach the end, go around the pole and hitch the weft and warp strings you were just working on and then continue the pattern.


The shuttle goes under two warp strands and over one warp strand…


…and then back around to the front to end the weave cycle.


You can see from this loosened weave the undulating pattern created in the weave.


NOTE: Never end a string in the middle of the hammock. If you run out of string, tie it off on the pole and begin a new string. Do not tie knots or leave loose strands in the middle of the hammock.

High-quality Mayan hammocks have at least 40 rows of weft that is woven through the warp, leaving a tightly-woven net that flexes and supports the occupant unlike any other hammock available.

The Clew

This video (above) actually does a great job in showing the mechanics of making the clew.

The clew is a modern sailor term for the nettles or string that attaches to the ends of the hammock and provides a loop or ring as the attachment point.

  • The nettles should be half the length of the hammock, effectively doubling the overall size of the hammock (for example, a hammock body 2 m (6.5 ft) long, the nettles should be 1 m (3.25 ft) long each).
  • The nettles should all be the same length.

Traditionally, the nettles are made from a single, continuous strand of #18 twisted nylon string that is looped around 6 sections from the hammock body. The nettles are middled to create a bight. This bight is tied and then cockscombed to protect the nettles.

The two remaining ends are tied on to themselves using a French Spiral Hitch/Whipping (ABOK #3450).

Alternatively, you can tie a Shouldered Sword Mat (ABOK #3819) with the two remaining ends to create a navy-style clew.

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111 responses to “Weaving a Mayan Hammock”

  1. Cezary Graban Avatar
    Cezary Graban

    Hi Derek, I’ve got one question about this project. Can you make more than 2 weaves in every spaced section to make your hammock weave “tighter”? Or are there any other methods to tighten the hammock and make the holes smaller?

    1. Derek Avatar

      You could crochet it. This is a technique done in Merda to make smaller knit.

      1. Cezary Graban Avatar
        Cezary Graban

        I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand, you mean like with crochet hook? But how will you weave the triple weave then?

        1. Derek Avatar

          Sorry. I’m not 100% sure how they are crocheted or if a triple weave is used when it is crocheted. I’ll have to do more research. On my first practice hammock I did a very tight weave. Us a thicker string.

          1. Cezary Graban Avatar
            Cezary Graban

            Ok, I’ll do that, thanks for your advice, and I will try this under two over two weaving pattern as well and then I’ll tell you about the results.;)

  2. Cezary Graban Avatar
    Cezary Graban

    Hi Derek, I’ve got one question about this project. Can you make more than 2 weaves in every spaced section to make your hammock weave “tighter”? Or are there any other methods to tighten the hammock and make the holes smaller? And by the way, are you sure it’s under two over ONE pattern, and not under two over TWO as well? Because I seem to recall some photos on google that shown close ups of mayan hammocks and it looked like under two over two to me, heres link if you want to check it out for yourself (http://www.saucyhats.com/uploads/7/8/7/6/7876301/2200613_orig.jpg)

  3. Cezary Graban Avatar
    Cezary Graban

    i found great hammock strings at my local meat store, they are about 2mm thick (they are used to tie meat, I know it is weird but it is 100% cotton, and it’s really cheap, I bought about 2 kg of this yarn for 40 PLN, about 9 or 10 $). I’m sending you a photo (quality is not best but it suffice) so you can look for yourself.;) http://oi64.tinypic.com/swwffq.jpg

    1. Derek Avatar

      That looks great! Fantastic find!

  4. Meme Bayardo Avatar

    Hi Derek…thanks for the amazing info!! do you know why the video of the clew is not working? thanks

    1. Derek Avatar

      It wasn’t my video and it looks like whoever posted it took it down. I really need to make my own video.

      1. Graham Stone Avatar

        Just adding my voice to encourage you to make a how-to video for the clew. Love your website!

        1. Derek Avatar

          Okay, thanks.

  5. Cecile Avatar

    Hi Derek !

    Thank you so much for the informations, I want to make my own mayan hammock this summer and it is not easy to find how to do it !

    I have some questions, maybe could you answer me…

    When you load the loom or when you change string for the color, which kind of knot do you do ? This is a point I don’t really understand. And when you finish the hammock, how do you stop strings ?

    About strings, do you use cotton, nylon or both ? Maybe strings around the loom in nylon and cotton strings for the weaves, what do you think ?

    And last question, do you know where I can find cotton strings in so much quantity ? I am french, so maybe you don’t know French stores, but do you know website who could send me rope in France ?

    I hope you could answer to me. Anyway, thank you so much for your instructions !
    If it is easier for you to answer me, here my email address : bonneau.cecile72@orange.fr !

    1. Derek Avatar

      Good questions! When I’ve done multi-colored or alternating colors I usually have netting needles of each color attached even when they aren’t the current weaving color. When any color runs out or when I need to change (or switch colors if only using one needle) I tie either a double fisherman knot, a square knot, or sheet bend. You can use any number of strings. Many hammocks use cotton for the bed and nylon for the clew nettles but you can do either. I only recommend you don’t mix fibers in the bed and clew. The weavers I’ve spoken with in South America refer to string by weight. A typical hammock uses about 2kg of string. The Yarn Barn in Kansas was another place I sourced string and they use an entirely different system. Honestly, I am not knowledgeable enough to give much help on sourcing the string outside of the example I used in this post. The twisted #18 mason line seemed to be the right thickness I was after but you can go thinner or thicker.

  6. Cezary Graban Avatar
    Cezary Graban

    Hi once again Derek, I’ve done my own Mayan Hammock this summer, here are some pictures of it,(http://oi64.tinypic.com/28rnyd.jpg)(http://oi65.tinypic.com/n569l5.jpg)(http://oi65.tinypic.com/2dgrdax.jpg), how do you like it? I’m seeing here a lot of comments from the commenters about confusion during making of own DIY hammocks, so I thought to myself that if it won’t be problem for you, now that I have a little bit of experience in this process, I’m willing to help them with all of their problems, so if anyone want to know anything about how I did my own hammock, feel free to ask here, or on my e-mail adress, orpuwupetup@gmail.com, I’ll do my best to help you all, and even send you some pictures to help you imagine what to do.;)

  7. Cezary Graban Avatar
    Cezary Graban

    Hi once again Derek, I’ve done my own Mayan Hammock this summer, here are some pictures of it, http://oi64.tinypic.com/28rnyd.jpg http://oi65.tinypic.com/n569l5.jpg http://oi65.tinypic.com/2dgrdax.jpg , how do you like it? I’m seeing here a lot of comments from the commenters about confusion during making of own DIY hammocks, so I thought to myself that if it won’t be problem for you, now that I have a little bit of experience in this process, I’m willing to help them with all of their problems, so if anyone want to know anything about how I did my own hammock, feel free to ask here, or on my e-mail adress, orpuwupetup@gmail.com, I’ll do my best to help you all, and even send you some pictures to help you imagine what to do.;)
    Edit: now links to pitures are working properly, sorry for repost

  8. Dwayne sanchez Avatar
    Dwayne sanchez

    Hello Derek wanted to ask if you make the hammock shuttle for sale . I don’t have any way to make one myself thanks

    1. Derek Avatar

      I have several you can buy. Send me an email.

  9. Freddie Avatar

    Hi Derek, i found some string on ebay and im not sure if it would be any good for making a hammock. Its descibed as “100% NAT COTTON Shabby Rustic Style 10 ply String .Twine Craft Making 2 mm” and its 2000m. Do you think this would be ok for a hammock. ebay link (for picture) – http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/100-NAT-COTTON-Shabby-Rustic-Style-10-ply-String-Twine-Craft-Making-2-mm-/201722384620
    Thanks for the tutorial btw,

    1. Derek Avatar

      That looks pretty good. Hard to tell how thick the string is. Thicker is better.

  10. Michael Avatar

    I’m interested in making a hammock chair using this tighter triple weave as opposed to a single-woven hammock or a knotted macrame one. Am I right in thinking that this adjustment could be made by shortening the strings on one side of the clews more than the other? Other than that, do you know of any other adjustments that would need to be made to make this into a hammock chair? Obviously the proportions of the bed would still need to match the intended orientation. Thanks for a great tutorial!

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks. Yes just adjust the size of the seat.

  11. Mostafa Avatar

    Dear Derek,

    ThanQ very much for the useful insights and information, I couldn find the right size of nylon string, only thin yarn, any idea what is it originally used for if not for hammocks? to look for it in the right section/market!

    Also when I tried with the available nylon size it was hard to tell how tight or lose the lines should be, any advice?

    1. dejoha Avatar

      Thank you for your support! I wish I had better answers for you. I have had the hardest time finding inexpensive string to weave these hammocks. If I had more time, I would spend it working with the great folks over at the Yarn Barn. They can send you samples and you can see what works best for you. Or, if you have a sample from a hammock, you could send it to them and they could do a much better job at recommending a thread than I.

  12. Pinche gringo Avatar
    Pinche gringo

    With all the material ready, what is the total time frame it takes from start to finish?

    1. dejoha Avatar

      That is really difficult to say because it’s all about how accomplished, accurate, and fast you are as a weaver. I found for myself that I was much slower at first. I could get into my paces and get an inch every few minutes. Still not as fast as practiced hands. From what I’ve read, an accomplished weaver can complete a full hammock in about a week, when working full time. It took me a few months to get mine wrapped up, but I was only working on it for a few hours a week, and I was also a beginner.

    2. Hamacama Avatar

      It is also very much depending how wide your hammock should be. Also the thicker the thread the faster you finish. Mexican producers told me that the range can be from 30 hours to 80 hours (4 m long, 3 m wide, 0.9 mm thread) per hammock.

  13. Kate Avatar

    Hi! I’m wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to fix a mayan hammock. Mine somehow got a hole in it and I have no idea where to start!

  14. Terayz Avatar

    Hi Derek/dejoha,

    I am hoping to embark on making my first Mayan Hammock – your blog really inspired me to have a go!

    I can’t seem to find cotton sold in the sizing #18 as you describe and have tried to find a converter for size #18 cotton and came across the ‘0.5mm’ answer. Is this correct?

    I am from Australia and am finding it quite hard to source the cotton required for the job. Also, I have discovered that this project is quite costly (reels of bulk cotton are quite expensive!) but of course worth the effort I would say!

    I would like to make my hammock out of a reliable and sturdy cotton and have found that some cottons are just a ‘one twist’ type thing and they seem to be not overly durable. Do you recommend any cotton in particular? I have looked at 3mm cotton sash cord. This is probably much thicker than the cord which you work with but I was wondering if the weave would still work with this thickness of cord? Also, would I still need a very long length – it being a thicker cord and working up faster? (The cotton sash cord I have found is 3mm @ 320m for $127 – so I’m not wanting to buy 2000m of it!) I suppose this is all very hypothetical from your end.

    Is 2000m the approximate length for the total amount of cord required for the Mayan Hammock you describe? If so, I really need to find a good and well-priced distributor of bulk cotton, solidly made, which is (perhaps) 0.5mm thick. Oh and preferably, coloured. Any ideas?

    Any feedback in regards to my questions would be greatly appreciated!
    – Terayz

    1. Derek Hansen Avatar

      @Terayz, unless you can source the cotton string at a good price, weaving your own hammock can be costly. It was really hard for me to find string as well because of the markup. I did ask a hammock shop in Mexico (hammocksrada.com) to sell me authentic string, but it cost more than their finished hammock! It was crazy! They sold their string by weight, and it was 2 kg total. I’m not sure that equates to 2 km of yarn! Maybe I need to double-check my arithmetic, but it does take a lot of string. I’m not a yarn / string expert, so I reached out to the Kansas Yarn Barn and sent them samples for them to get me sizes. It was still confusing because they used a different measurement than inches or centimeters. I hate that I can’t be more helpful, but I hope that this gives you some direction where to ask the next question. Maybe reaching out to Hammocks Rada or a yarn barn can help you find the right string size at a good price.

      The actual weaving is the fun part! I enjoyed making the weave by hand and getting into a rhythm. It’s very therapeutic.

      1. Terayz Avatar

        Hi Derek,

        Thanks for your reply. Yes, it certainly is a pricey thing to make and totally ridiculous that a pre-made hammock is cheaper than buying the cotton to make one yourself.

        Finding the cotton cord seems harder than making the actual project! I think I may have found a source for my cotton – but at the moment I am still checking sizes, length, etc to see if I am on the right track. It seems that ‘extra thick cotton seine twine tex50 x 6 x 3 12/18 500grams per 500 metres’ is the way to go. This would make sense as 2kg of cord would equal roughly 2000m. This is what you seemed to indicate. From all online sources I have looked at, I gather that this is quite a durable cotton twine and should hold up to ‘being a hammock’. Even though the cord is fine by itself, once woven I hope that it will be strong enough.

        If you have any feedback or tips regarding making your own cotton hammock that would be handy.

        Finding things out online, without actually seeing the cotton first-hand to know what I’m dealing with, is quite the challenge.

        I can’t wait to weave myself, and hope that it is as straightforward as your blog seems to indicate. Therapeutic indeed! Excellent.


  15. Terayz Avatar

    Hi Derek/dejoha,

    A correction to my previous post;

    The thick cord I have found at $127 for a 320m spool is 6mm not 3mm thick.
    I thought there was a 3mm spool, but apparently not.

    – Terayz