Weaving a Mayan Hammock

Photo courtesy Wikipedia.com

 Weaving a Mayan Hammock–Video Overview


The Mayan hammock is arguably the most comfortable gathered-end hammock available anywhere, and is notable for being the descendent of the original hammock discovered by Columbus on his voyages to the West Indies. The Mayan hammock is woven using a fairly tight “triple weave” that creates a lattice when pulled apart.

Mayan hammocks tend to be heavy, due to the quantity of string used to create the netting, so this style of hammock is more suitable for sleeping indoors than lightweight backpacking. Much depends on the type and quantity of string used and what size hammock you weave.

I found that the Mayan weaving style is not terribly difficult, but it does take patience and a little time. Once you get the weaving pattern down, expect to spend a few weeks to complete the weaving, depending on how much time per day you can devote to weaving and how big you want the bed.


Materials Needed

  • > 2,000 yards (~1,860 m) of #18 twisted cotton or nylon string for a hammock bed approximately 72 × 50 in (183 × 127 cm). Nylon is more mildew resistant, but cotton will be more comfortable. The clew or end strings, are each half the length of the hammock, effectively doubling the overall length of the hammock.
  • Netting needle/shuttle (8 × 1.25 × 0.1875 in / 20 × 3.175 × 0.5 cm)
  • Loom
    • 3 @ 1 × 3 × 8 (horizontal beams, wedges)
    • 2 @ 2 × 3 × 8 (vertical posts)

The Netting Needle


A netting needle (“lanzadera” or shuttle) is used to load a quantity of string and work it through the warp to create the weave. A netting needle differs from a traditional loom shuttle in that the one end is pointed or tapered, making it easier to poke the shuttle through the weave. These needles are traditionally used for making fishing nets and are still used today to make Mayan hammocks.

You can make your own needle or purchase one.


The Loom

A basic loom measures 6 ft (1.8 m) tall by 6.5 ft (2 m) wide when assembled and consists of two vertical posts or poles and two horizontal beams. Most looms are adjustable via notches in the horizontal beams and holes in the vertical posts so the weaver can make slightly longer hammock beds. These horizontal supports are secured with a wedge so the hammock body can be removed (slid upward) off the frame when the weaving is complete.

You can make a basic, inexpensive frame out of PVC pipe or lumber. To make a traditional stand, you’ll need to cut and assemble the wood poles and beams, including wedges, to make the stand sturdy and long-lasting.


Loading the Loom

Once the loom is built and in place it is time to load the loom with the “warp” string. Begin by tying the warp string to the top of one vertical post and then wrap it around the second post until you wind a sufficient number of strings between the two posts. The number of warp strings depends on the color patterns you intend to weave. You can easily add more warp string as you go along, allowing for color variations on the project, even alternating between the warp and weft strands.

Once loaded, tie the standing end back to one of the loom’s vertical posts.

Loading the Netting Needle

A netting needle can handle only so much string before it’s full, so having a few on hand is a good idea if you want to keep weaving without interruption. Hitch the end of the string (ABOK #1602) around the needle and then begin to wrap around the bottom of the netting needle and back to the top where you wrap the needle again. Repeat this back-and-forth process until the shuttle is full (see shuttle image above).

The Edge “Crochet”

A few sources refer to the edge as “crochet,” which it might be, but it’s nothing more than a series of overhand knots (ABOK #46) evenly spaced along the edge. This is the first task in the weaving process.

  • There should be a minimum of 21 knots, making 20 spaced sections.
  • The knots should be spaced between 3 and 4 inches (8 and 10 cm) apart.
  • There should be a minimum of 4 rows of interlaced knot rows and as many as 8 or 10.

This edging sets the spacing for the weaving along with providing a tight edge to maintain the hammock shape.


First row: Loop around the bottom (first) warp from the back, then around and back behind the second and first warp, capturing the working weft as well.


Subsequent rows: Loop around a knot then go up, capturing a new warp line, then back around to the first line and knot.



The Triple Weave

  • The weaving pattern is “under two, over and around one.”
  • There should be 2 weaves on each of the 20 spaced sections, creating 40 weaves across the hammock body.


Where the weft dips down, pull the two warp strands and insert the shuttle.

As you work along the warp, keep the weft string tight to ensure the lattice isn’t loose when you’re done. When you reach the end, go around the pole and hitch the weft and warp strings you were just working on and then continue the pattern.


The shuttle goes under two warp strands and over one warp strand…


…and then back around to the front to end the weave cycle.


You can see from this loosened weave the undulating pattern created in the weave.


NOTE: Never end a string in the middle of the hammock. If you run out of string, tie it off on the pole and begin a new string. Do not tie knots or leave loose strands in the middle of the hammock.

High-quality Mayan hammocks have at least 40 rows of weft that is woven through the warp, leaving a tightly-woven net that flexes and supports the occupant unlike any other hammock available.

The Clew

This video (above) actually does a great job in showing the mechanics of making the clew.

The clew is a modern sailor term for the nettles or string that attaches to the ends of the hammock and provides a loop or ring as the attachment point.

  • The nettles should be half the length of the hammock, effectively doubling the overall size of the hammock (for example, a hammock body 2 m (6.5 ft) long, the nettles should be 1 m (3.25 ft) long each).
  • The nettles should all be the same length.

Traditionally, the nettles are made from a single, continuous strand of #18 twisted nylon string that is looped around 6 sections from the hammock body. The nettles are middled to create a bight. This bight is tied and then cockscombed to protect the nettles.

The two remaining ends are tied on to themselves using a French Spiral Hitch/Whipping (ABOK #3450).

Alternatively, you can tie a Shouldered Sword Mat (ABOK #3819) with the two remaining ends to create a navy-style clew.

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111 responses to “Weaving a Mayan Hammock”

  1. Tony Avatar

    Hi Derek!

    First of all, thanks for such awesome instructions on the Mayan hammock. I’m about 25% through my first hammock and things are going pretty well, however I have a question: When finishing a line of weave and you are ready to wrap around the post, what’s the best knot/stitch to tie before heading back for the next line of weave? The reason I ask is that I sometimes encounter an uneven edge at the ends of my hammock bed. Oh, and I just thought of another minor question: is it possible to make your weave too tight?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I usually alternate colors and leave the shuttle loaded. I reload the shuttle at the end and tie a double fisherman knot to connect more string and then load the shuttle up again. I hope that helps. The weave shouldn’t be too tight. That could make the hammock too tight.

  2. Justin Irwin Avatar
    Justin Irwin


    I am totally blown away by the art! I am a complete novice to the art, although, I have been swinging a lifetime. Please help me get started. Not having any real weaving experience it seems a bit challenging, but not unattainable to learn. Does your book provide a detailed step by step? – for dummies. If we could discuss some of the initial steps you took to learn the craft, I would be greatful. Have you made an instructional video that details the building of the loom as well as the weaving techniques? Please help me learn this amazing art. I’d love to teach my three daughters as I learn the craft. Thank you!!

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks Justin. Have you seen the video attached to this post? It goes through most of the weaving process. I didn’t make a video of building the loom, but hopefully the photos are enough. It’s pretty basic. If I were to do it again, I would round the vertical posts or even use rounded hand rail stock to make it easier to put everything together.

      My current book does not show how to make hammocks, but I’m working on a second edition, due later this summer, that will have detailed instructions on this and many other hammocks. Send me an email if you have any specific questions that aren’t covered in the post.

      1. Justin Irwin Avatar
        Justin Irwin

        Ok great. I did watch the video. I think I’ll start with building the loom from the diagrams on the site. Once the loom is constructed and I have that as a visual guide, I can then begin to understand the process better. The amount of warp lines are based on the amount of different colors I intend to use? Are two warp lines used per color? Also, when sourcing materials for the weave – do you have any that you could recommend? Thank you for your quick response.

  3. Danielle @dflcaldwell Avatar

    Hi Derek. Thank you so much for providing this information! I am wondering if you can tell me exactly how far apart the vertical beams are on the loom. My back patio actually has some very substantial beams that are 104.5″ apart (the beams themselves are about 3.5″ thick) that I’m wondering if I can use instead of the loom. Do you think they’ll work?


    P.S. I’m so happy you’re working on a book about making hammocks! I keep (half) joking with my husband that he needs to take me to Nicaragua to find someone to teach me their weave 🙂 Are you including Brazilian and Nicaraguan styles?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks Danielle,

      Most Mayan-style hammocks are roughly 2 meters long in the body. The clews, or end strings, are each a half length of the body, so the full length of the hammock is roughly 4 meters long. Your beams are spaced about perfectly for the hammock loom. I will say that one thing I wish I had was rounder, smoother beams on the loom. After I complete the hammock I’m weaving, I hope to sand down or replace the means with a round post, maybe use a handrail.

      Yes, my new book will contain instructions on making several hammocks styles, along with updated information from the first edition and more. It’s a big work in progress. I will include information on a Brazilian style hammock, but there isn’t much too them, unless you want to get technical about weaving them—you’d need a pretty serious loom because Brazilian hammocks are more cloth or fabric based. They add decorative trim or macrame on the edges, but I’m not going to explain how to crochet in my book 🙂 Nicaraguan hammocks are identical to Brazilian except that they most often have spreader bars on the ends.

      If you really want to learn to weave, it’s the Mayan triple weave that’s most interesting to learn, and for that you should go to the capital of Yucatán, Mérida. This is where the weaving center is located.

    2. Mariah B'Forre Avatar

      Danielle, do you have a way to take your hammock off of your beams after you’re done weaving it? If you don’t, you would have to cut the hammock off or something. If there’s some way for it to slip off the beams after it’s woven, then that would work wonderfully. 🙂

      I’m personally using a frame I put together out of PVC pipes. It’s easy to take apart when I’m done, and easy to store, and a good alternative if building a wooden frame isn’t practical.

      Good luck with your hammock!

      -Mariah 🙂

    3. Peter Avatar

      You have to be able to take the loom apart in order to slide the hammock from off the uprights. You will have to take your roof off the porch to get the hammock off.

  4. Corey Johnson Avatar
    Corey Johnson

    Baker’s Twine = cotton twine, 100 yards per spool, ~$4-$10 per spool

  5. Leta Avatar

    What is the thickness of the cord you used?

    1. Derek Avatar

      This is actually something I struggle with. I don’t know well enough the way to measure them. I used 18 gauge mason line and that seemed as good as what’s used.

      1. marnen Avatar

        What weavers, knitters, and other fiber artists usually do is wrap it around a ruler and count wraps per inch.

  6. Erin Avatar

    Hi Derek,

    I am really excited to try. I feel like there are a couple steps missing at the beginning and end that I might need more clarification on. Would you mind if I reached out to you? I am making the hammock for sentimental reasons for my parents as a surprise because we always grew up with them from my grandpas house in mexico. Ours looked like this put were made with rolled cotton fabric. Do you have any idea what that might have been?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Please email me directly with questions. By rolled cotton fabric, do you mean the string?

  7. […] A great website that has a video and explains the method in more detail can be found at The Ultimate Hang – Weaving A Mayan Hammock. […]

  8. […] Weaving a mayan hammock – the ultimate hang […]

  9. Grace B. Avatar
    Grace B.

    Hi Derek,

    I am so excited to try this! Do you know if this hammock wood be large/strong enough to hold two people?

    Also, do you have any tips on how to create a loom out of PVC pipe?

    Thank you so much!

    1. Derek Avatar

      Yes, the hammock can hold 2+ people, depending on the strength of the string you use. A PVC loom would be easy enough with the right elbow and T-joints.

  10. myrna malave Avatar
    myrna malave

    Derek hi my name Myrna
    I am trying to get everything I need
    I want to make sure that its only the #18 nylon braided I use or there is another size that need to be use …. Thank you

    1. Derek Avatar

      That size will work. Still, you can choose what works best for you. The most comfy weaves use a thick cotton thread. Harder to find but feels good.

  11. […] Brazilian hammock. The tight weave is what really differentiates a Brazilian from a Mayan hammock (Mayan hammocks use a loose, triple weave, more like a fish net). Unique patterns are woven near the ends that create unique impressions in […]

  12. Aaron Avatar

    Hey! I’m currently constructing a Mayan hammock based on your instructions. I went with a 7′ loom (I’m 6’3″). I’m nearing the end of the weaving phase. Your video for the clew isn’t available, would you mind re-posting it? Thanks!

    1. Derek Avatar

      I did an illustration and I’ll post it to this entry.

      1. Aaron Avatar

        Hey! were you ever able to get any illustrations?

  13. […] or ropes that help form a hammock and have been used with hammocks for centuries. The original woven Mayan hammocks use nettles to complete the hammock and are half the total width of the hammock. Nettles are also […]

  14. Emily Gilmore Avatar
    Emily Gilmore

    I read in the comments you used mason line. I wonder, to cut down cost, could you use all nylon #18 mason line? I also tried Yarn Barn in Kansas, but WOW! talk about confusing. I even called and asked. they were talking to me about epi, and the sett. They were speaking in an alien language. I even did extensive research on what mm a #18 nylon thread was. I found .5mm. But I have no idea where to find the cotton equivalent. The woman at Yarn Barn did say that she thinks the closest would be 8/2. I may get it, and if its too thin resell it.

    Also, I’m not really understanding how much of what I should get. (Maybe it was YB of KS clouding my mind!!) I understand I need 2,000 yards of yarn, or string. But thats in total, right? So, how much of the mason line, (assuming you used it for the warp) do we need. What do you use for the clew, and how much of that? Then, of course, the colored yarn, is that 1,000 yards alone?

    Thanks so much!

    1. Derek Avatar

      You could do the whole thing in mason line. My first was like that. I also got confused when I spoke with the yarn barn. That length looks about right. You may need a little more for the clews.

  15. kim Avatar

    How do you go back from the other side, to the beginning side?

    1. Derek Avatar

      You wrap around the pole and begin a new weave using the same pattern.