Trail Days 2012

This was my first time at Trail Days and I had a blast! I must first send out a huge THANK-YOU to the Jacks of Jacks ‘R’ Better who were so generous in inviting me out and hosting me during the trip. It was so great to spend time with them and get to know them — they really are stand up guys in every way.

For those who followed me on Facebook know of my travel troubles. My flight out of Phoenix was eventually canceled after a lot of hiccups. A delayed flight into New Jersey meant a cold sleepless night on the floor of the terminal. I was suppose to spend an evening and help pack the Jacks before we left, but as it turned out, they picked me up from the airport in Norfolk and then we left immediately to western Virginia.

If you’ve never been to Damascus, you’re missing a beautiful spot nestled between several gumdrop hills. The place is a jungle of green compared with the dry and relatively sparse Flagstaff, Arizona I left. The mosquitos were all but nonexistent. Ahh, I love Virginia in the spring!

We arrived in Damascus a day before the festivities, which gave us ample time to set up and get situated before the rush. There were a lot of hammock-related manufacturers on site this year, including Jacks ‘R’ Better, Hennessy Hammocks, ENO Hammocks,, DutchWare, Mountain Laurel Designs, and me. Once the show started, the town was buzzing with energy. Hammocks were a hot item and I fielded a lot of questions folks had about suspension systems, how to lay, how to stay warm, etc.

One of the highlights for me was finally meeting so many celebrities in the backpacking and hammock communities, including Tom Hennessy, Jack Tier, Jack Myer, Brian Vargo, “Dutch,” Adam and Jenny Hurst, Ron Bell, George “Tin Man” Andrews, and many more.

My only regret is that I didn’t take enough photos! I guess I’ll have to go again next year!


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3 responses to “Trail Days 2012”

  1. chris "rigidpsycho" reardon Avatar

    Hey Derek,

    Loved the pics. Gonna have to try and make down there sometime.

  2. Michael Bass Avatar
    Michael Bass

    Hi Derek.

    I enjoyed meeting you and I’m glad you and my buddy, Land, talked me into buying your book. I just finished reading it and really enjoyed it. After I met you at the show, I purchased a tarp, Dutch Buckle/Whoopie sling suspension, a Cat Tarp, and have just ordered a Dangerbird 60 from Randy. I guess I’m in it hook, line and sinker.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Awesome! It was great to meet you. You picked some great gear too. You’ll enjoy the dangerbird!