Simple Hammock Suspension Options using a Continuous Loop

Simple Continuous Loop

The humble continuous loop. You’ve seen them—they’re nearly ubiquitious on hammocks these days, especially simple, gathered-end hammocks, but also all-in-one hammocks with integrated bug netting. Before you toss that small loop away, I want to describe and show some simple hammock suspension options that take advantage of this little workhorse.

Loop Tips (or “Why Use The Loop?”)

I’ve tested many hammocks, and the more I try, the more I’m finding the value in these short rope stubs. In fact, I would argue that these loops offer the greatest versatility for hammock suspension for both beginner and advanced users alike.

The rope loop first offers a basic necessity on Brazilian-style hammocks by gathering up the ends, creating the basic hammock pointed oval (marquise) shape we all know and love.

Tip 1: Avoid the drips

Probably my number one reason for using these loops is to create an attachment point as close to the hammock as possible. In this way, the attachment point is more likely to remain covered by the tarp in the rain, and the attachment can double as a water break or drip line, preventing water from running down the suspension line into the hammock.

Tip 2: The short hang

When circumstances bring you between trees that just barely clear your tarp, you may find your suspension is too long to be useful. In these cases, it’s nice to have a connection point close to your hammock to make hanging your hammock easier.

Tip 3: Quick connect

With the right connection options, such as a Whoopie Hook or Carabiner, a short loop makes quick work of setting up, just “clip” and go. Other hardware options are equally quick to adjust, such as descender rings, cinch buckles, or tri-glide-style devices.

Tip 4: Pimp my hammock

End loops provide maximum modularity options. Without making any changes to the hammock, you can slip on a new suspension option with ease. Quickly slip off a tri-glide in favor of descender rings or another option. Even without hardware, a continuous loop can be used with a few knot options, such as the Becket Hitch.

Tip 5: Sap sidestep

A nasty side-effect of hanging a hammock around trees is getting your suspension soaked in sap. With single-line suspension, such as straps that connect directly around the hammock and then wrap around a tree, you’re literally “stuck” with sap with no way to keep it away from the hammock. Using a short continuous loop on the hammock, you can easily disconnect a sappy strap and store it separately, if needed.

Tip 6: Under quilt clip

Having a short loop provides a handy clipping point for under quilts. Clip either around the loop or through it for a secure connection.

loop-under-quilt2 loop-under-quilt

I prefer to clip my under quilt clip or hook through the loop for added security.

Tip 7: Hang a pack

To keep my pack off the ground away from the bugs and yet still covered by my tarp, I often clip it to the end of my hammock. I simply insert the pack’s hang loop on the top and insert it through the short hammock loop and use a stick toggle to hold it in place (a mini carabiner also works).


Tip 8: Hammock ridge line

With a short loop on either side of the hammock, you have perfect connection points to add a structural or non-structural ridge line to the hammock. Using 1.75 mm dyneema, you can tie off a ridge line that helps the hammock maintain a consistent sag shape, but also provides a place to clip a gear pocket for storing small items like flash lights, cameras, and phones.


Loop Suspension Options

Toggles (e.g., the Marlinespike Hitch)

Marlinspike Hitch with Toggle

Carabiner (see also Dutch Biners)


Descender Rings


hammock-suspension-descender-rings hammock-suspension-descender-rings-loosen

For this “wrapped descender ring” version, see my post on no-knots, lighter descender ring suspension.

Cinch Buckles

Cinch Buckle

These “triangle” cinch buckles were assembled directly on to the continuous loop, but you can add them separately with a Lark’s Head knot, similar to the other examples shown here.

Whoopie Hook

Whoopie Hook

Elephant Trunk

Elephant Hook

 Eureka! Chrysalis Suspension

Eureka Chrysalis Suspension

Tri-Glide (see also Dutch Buckle)

JRB Tri-Glides

Dutch Buckle

Becket Hitch (see ABOK #1900, aka sheet bend)

Slippery Becket Hitch

The Becket hitch works great (maybe best) with a strap as the suspension line. You can use a modified double Becket Hitch with slippery line like Amsteel so it grips better instead of just slipping through.

Slippery Becket Hitch with Amsteel (Dyneema)

Note: DO NOT USE the Becket hitch with Amsteel/Dyneema on both the end loop and the suspension line. Dyneema is too slippery and will pull through. However, Dyneema with another rope, as in this photo, does work. Be sure to test for slippage prior to going into the field.

Eye on Eye Sling toggle (see ABOK #1494)

loop-11 loop-12 loop-13 Eye to Eye Toggle

Note: This eye on eye toggle also works best with two different types of rope, not Amsteel on Amsteel. However, you can use Amsteel on both the line and loop provided you tie it as illustrated above with the loop pushed through the suspension line, then the suspension line pushed up through the loop to accept the toggle. Stick toggles should be finger size and firm (some wood gets brittle or soft when wet).


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54 responses to “Simple Hammock Suspension Options using a Continuous Loop”

  1. […] found that an even simpler solution for infinite adjustability is to skip the soft shackle and just use the end loop on the hammock. A long webbing strap, or a short strap and a long length of Spectra line or Dyneema can then be […]

  2. Mittagsfrost Avatar

    Derek, this article opened my eyes! I can’t wait to test it all. Thank you very much!

    Just a little remark: There’s a broken link. Please change to

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks! I’ll get that fixed. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

  3. Nathan Avatar

    I took about 2 ft of chord (like amsteel) and made a prussic knot on my hennessy expedition suspension rope. Then I hooked a caribiner into the loop end of the prussic knot. The prussic knot could slide along the suspension rope when there was no tension. As soon as tension was applied, it would grab the suspension rope and hold tight. To setup, I wrapped my tree-hugger straps around the tree, hooked my caribiner into them, slid the prussic knot along the suspension cord to tighten. Voila – seconds only to set up. The prussic knots lasted for years.

    Does anyone else have experience with using prussic knots like this?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Great idea! Climbers use prusiks as a self belay device, so what you’re doing isnt uncommon. What’s worrisome is the safety factor. If the prusik were to slip you wouldn’t have a backup. I would also be sure the prusik uses a line safety rated for your weight.

      1. Nathan Avatar

        I never had the prussic slip. After hanging in my hammock, it sometimes took a bit of effort to get it to slide. It really grabs tight. I wrote Tom Hennessy about it a few years ago, and his response was that they thought it too risky from a marketing point of view. I can see that – you want to make sure there is absolutely no way you can get sued. However, like I said, this worked for me for years. My only caution is that you check your prussic rope regularly. Over time it will wear down due to chafing.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Yes. That is one of my concerns as well.

  4. Drew Avatar

    What cord do you recommend for making a tied continuous loop? I am going to be making hammocks with my scouts and I think they will have an easier time with the double fishermans knot than with the buries required for making one from amsteel.

    1. Derek Avatar

      I agree with you. We built hammocks with our scout troop not long ago. I used 5mm accessory rope for the most part and tied Double Fisherman’s knots. We worked on the Textile Merit Badge as part of the experience. You can also use Amsteel and tie a Double Fisherman’s knot in it. This is what I did on my recent trip to Goblin Valley. Or, if you can get your hands on a discarded role of Muletape from your local power company, you can make inexpensive webbing loops by tying water knots. We also used the Muletape as our webbing straps and suspension systems and used the Becket Hitch as the secure yet easy to untie knot. It is one of the easiest methods that doesn’t require any extra hardware or expensive purchases. The scouts already know or understand the Sheet Bend knot, and the Becket Hitch is is tied the same way.

  5. Terry Pittman Avatar
    Terry Pittman

    I am new to Hammocks and it is being delivered today. My question is do you really need two Whoopie slings or can I still use the hardware that came with the hammock on one end and use just one whoopee slings to tension the hammock?

    1. Derek Avatar

      You don’t need any Whoopie Slings 🙂 but you will need some type of suspension. And you’ll need suspension on both sides of your hammock. Without knowing more about what hammock you have it will be hard to explain in more detail. In order to balance and center your hammock between your two anchor points you’ll need some type of suspension on both sides, each able to adjust independently.

  6. Terry Pittman Avatar
    Terry Pittman

    The hammock is a hennessy expedition asym which comes with the tree straps, and your comment about balancing and center point is dead on, I will make two whoopee slings then and thank you for the very fast response!!

  7. […] modifications occur where the suspension straps connect to the continuous loop. There’s a handful of hardware that can be used to avert knots, making it easier to adjust suspension and add a little bling in […]

  8. Derrick Ogilvie Avatar
    Derrick Ogilvie

    Hi Derek! I’m a Derrick too. 🙂 So I’m just getting immersed in all this (amazing info here, BTW & your book is on it’s way) and I’m planning to put cinch buckles on my old HH Ultralite Backpacker… I’m a fly fisherman so I know a surgeon’s loop very well. Given that, can I simply take the existing HH line and tie a smallish surgeons (is a bowline better?) loop in it close to the hammock and use that? Or do I really need to take apart the end in insert an continuous loop in there? If it’s way more advantageous I’ll do it.

    As for these little loops going forward (I see needing a little bag of them for various things) will the surgeon’s loop/knot work fine, or should I learn another way to tie them? I could get a bunch of CL’s from a site too… but I’m still learning to trust a splice over a knot, haha!

    Anyway, thanks so much for all this amazing information. I’m a convert already just from reading.


    1. Derek Avatar

      I wouldn’t use the surgeon knot for a continuous loop. Tie the loop using a double fishermans knot and then attach the loop to the hammock. For the Hennessy, it is easy to remove the end cap where you’ll see how to remove the rope and feed through the new loop. Wrap the loop around and through the holes and back through itself. The end cap can attach back on using a zip tie.

      1. Kevin Avatar

        If you think you might switch the loop out for something else to try different suspensions, might I suggest using the Zeppelin bend rather than the double fishermans knot, as it is much easier to untie, even after bearing a heavy load. You can also feed through a bight rather than the ends of the rope as the last step in tying the bend to make it easier to untie, much like you show in your Becket hitch how-to video. In my experience, the Zeppelin bend works rather well with webbing and rope/cordage regardless of diameter, although I haven’t tried it with slippery Amsteel/dyneema cord.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Thanks Kevin. I’ll give that a try.

  9. C nugget (@christynugget) Avatar

    Hello.. Went out today and tested a becket hitch tied with mule tape to a new amsteel continuous loop I made. I was super excited until it slipped… It looks like it partially melted the line the amsteel line. Thought I had tied it wrong but went home and re-watched the vid above, it seems like the same knot. Any advice? Round 180lbs. Multiple wraps maybe??

    1. Derek Avatar

      Hmm. It shouldn’t have slipped, but the combination of mule tape (which is lubricated) and Amstel (which is really slippery) could be factors. Yet that is what I also use frequently. In fact I’ve been using it the past year and it’s what I use inside my house. Email me directly and send me photos. Let’s figure this out.

  10. […] so I replace them quickly. The end ropes are serviceable but could be replaced with your favorite suspension system. Be sure to pick up a pair of webbing straps (not included) to hang the […]

  11. […] a fan of simple rope loops on the end of my hammocks because they provide the opportunity for many different suspension options. I’m not a fan of the inexpensive spring gate steel hooks that come with so many hammocks […]

  12. […] This strap set is actually a good alternative for beginners who are looking for a fairly easy suspension system that will work with a wide-variety of hammocks. This strap system works best with hammocks that use a continuous loop on the ends of the hammock. […]

  13. Andreas Avatar

    Thank you Derek, excellent advice

  14. […] like end loops because they can be used with lots of different suspension options. Lots of versatility. Webbing straps not […]

  15. […] If you are looking to ascend or descend a tree, please follow this safety guide here, or if you are simply looking to build a nice relaxing hammock, there are some useful tips here. […]