DIY Poncho Liner Under Quilt (PLUQ) (Sew and No-Sew)

Here’s another one of my early illustrations, updated and improved, showing how to convert a US Army poncho liner into an under quilt.

In my early hammock camping days, I couldn’t afford a down-filled under quilt and I most often used a closed-cell foam pad when temperatures dropped. I still wanted  to try an under quilt with my Hennessy Hammock, so I started playing with a poncho liner.

The no-sew version works okay, but it’s difficult to seal the edges 100 percent. The sewn version is nice if you want to add some additional insulation, like a layer of Climashield® or other synthetic insulation.




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96 responses to “DIY Poncho Liner Under Quilt (PLUQ) (Sew and No-Sew)”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Thank you for your advice. Another question: concerning the mini carabiners. Are the biners used on the underquilt shock cord weight bearing? Do they need to be climbing grade or are the cheaper ones adequate?

    1. Derek Avatar

      For clipping under quilts you can use simple clips. Only in holding human weight do you need climbing-rated gear, specifically for hammock suspension. I’ve used all kinds of stuff for under quilts including mitten hooks and toggles.

  2. Dan Avatar

    do the bungie suspended underquilts stay under you when you lay diagonally ?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Yes. That is one feature of the elastic shock cord: it can move and stretch as you move. Your body acts as anchor points to hold fast the corners of the under quilt to keep it in line with your body. The quilt sort of hooks your shoulder and foot to stay in place.

  3. David Scott Avatar

    Hey Derek-

    Great stuff here (and in your book as well!). Anyway, I’m getting ready to dive in tonight (my first hammock-related DIY project) and had a few questions (this is the no-sew version):

    1) I couldn’t find any 3/32″ shock cord, so I ended up buying all 1/8″. However, I started wondering if there was a reason for the smaller diameter — will the 1/8″ not fit? Or is it just a weight issue?

    2) In the picture, it looks like the end shock cords are only running through one layer. I was going to try the gatefold message that you mentioned in the comments. Would you still only run the shock cord through one half or would it go all the way around. I’m having a hard time visualizing how that would cinch up.

    3) For the gatefold, I assume you have the open side up (towards the butt)? Since it’s no sew, I supposed I could flip it either way, but depending on your answer to #2, it might make a difference.

    1. Derek Avatar

      David, welcome!

      1 – The shock cord is variable. Use what works best. Smaller may not hold up the quilt. Unless your channels are really, really small, the 1/8 inch will fit.

      2 – The perimeter shock cord doesn’t cinch up. It connects to the ends of the hammock to suspend and hold the under quilt up against the hammock. If you run the shock cord through the under quilt (around the perimeter) the quilt can slide back and forth allowing you to get a good fit. Some under quilts only have shock cord tied to the ends, which is another way to make it work.

      3 – The no-sew option is not 100% fool-proof and has some gaps. I would only use the no-sew option if I wanted to transform the poncho liner into a multi-use garment, or if I only used it during the summer, or if I just really didn’t want to sew 🙂 It’s a useful hack, but sewing up the sides really helps seal the heat in better and gets you better performance.

      1. David Scott Avatar

        Thanks for the response! I wasn’t clear about #2 — I was talking about the end cords (the orange line in your diagram), not the blue one.

        But that’s good info about the longways cords. I was going to just tie them to the ends, but you’re right, leaving it free would allow me to move it back and forth. I have my tarp ridgeline set up that way and really like it.

        Honestly, the main reason I’m doing this project is because I was unhappy with a pad and wanted to see how much better an underquilt would work, comfort-wise. If I like it, I’ll probably pick up a “real” UQ before the summer ends.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Okay, gotcha. The short ends need to be gathered together to match the gathered shape of the hammock. If you use a bridge hammock then you don’t really need to gather the short ends at all. You can use lighter shock cord on the ends because they aren’t holding anything up. It helps that you can adjust how tight or loose you gather up the ends based on where the quilt is located on the hammock. You can also loosen the ends to open up the quilt for more ventilation on hot days.

          1. Ben Bowen Avatar


            Just to clarify, on the no sew version: Am I making the openings for the shock cord on the upward facing side of the bottom layer only? I assuming the top layer rides along because of the ties.

            Just order a liner on ebay for $20. I’ll probably go 1/8th” on all shock cord so I’m not buying two different cords.

            Is there a source for shock cord/cord locks you recommend?

  4. Dan Pagel Avatar

    Yesterday I sewed for the first time since high school, 30 years ago… Anyway, I made a PLUQ and of course modified it a little (can’t leave well enough alone).. Anyway, I modified it by using a layer of microfiber bed sheet between the layers.. It’ll insulate and block a bit more of a breeze at little cost in the way of weight or space, and it doesn’t krinkle like space blanket..
    Also, 7/8″ grosgrain ribbon, doubled over just doesn’t have the space needed to get 3/16″ shock cord through.. If you have perfectly straight sewing, right on the edge, you can get away with it but I’ve decided the next one will be made with 1.5″ ribbon instead. A little harder to find at a local store, it’s easily available online. And speaking of online, while I like to help out my local sewing stores, $1.50 each for cordlocks made in China is crazy.. If I’m going to use Chinese cordlocks, I’ve decided that $4 for a bag of 50, shipped from China on eBay is a little better on my pocketbook.. 🙂

    Thanks again for your site and all the suggestions!!! I borrowed my retired Mother’s sewing machine to make this one, but my own machine should be here this week and I’m looking forward to PLUQ 2.0 with modifications from the original design..

    1. Derek Avatar

      Great job and great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  5. slbear Avatar

    Hi Derek, Great Job on the book and website. Like many here I’m a new hanger, and getting ready for a trip next weekend. I got the woobie from a local surplus and was thinking about the no-sew option until I’ve tried it at least once. Gate folded no-sew seems like a good place to start so I could add insulation (maybe even a fleece blanket for a field upgrade when car-camping). My question is about the lack of wind-proofness in the poncho liner. Your sew option suggested insulation between the layers, and I’ve heard Climashield or Insultex mentioned. I think both of these would provide at least a partial wind barrier, but it seems like it’s in the wrong place. Shouldn’t the wind barrier be on the outside of all your insluation? With just the woobie I have, I’m thinking a breeze will quickly rob any stored heat away. I was thinking maybe adding a layer of 1.9 nylon from Joann to the outside, which seems to be harder to breathe through. Doing that right would push me into sewing, which my wife will help (she says), but at that point maybe I should just use the nylon and and some synthetic quilt batting my wife has left-over. I’m grateful for any advice you have on these options. Thanks again for the info you’ve already shared. -Slbear

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks for coming and sharing slbear! It is rewarding to know how popular the poncho liner under quilt has been over the years, but I need to reiterate that it isn’t without faults, weaknesses, and drawbacks. Some of the reasons for its popularity is its low cost and relatively low learning curve for a DIY project. The military poncho liner, particularly the surplus variety, have thin insulation. Your assessment is correct about its breathability. However, if you are going to go through the trouble of adding extra insulation and an outer shell, you might as well make a full-fledged synthetic under quilt. The poncho liner is heavy, and at 30 ounces, doesn’t provide much warmth for its weight. You can make a much lighter synthetic under quilt with one or two layers of Climashield and a nylon shell for half the weight.

  6. Jerry Avatar

    Is this rating guess without a sleeping bag?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Correct. You can get warmer if you use a sleeping bag. I often use top quilts which lack a back side.

  7. […] quilt, or buy something else from Warbonnet. EBay is an option as well. The under quilt could be a DIY project, using a poncho liner, but I’m dubious on its ability to handle anything below 50 degrees. We […]

  8. Jason Avatar

    I’m about to make one of these for an October trip. I noticed that this seems to be a different design than the one you posted on It also seems to be more recent. Does this version work better?

    1. Derek Avatar

      It’s just a more refined design.

      1. Ben Bowen Avatar

        Just finished mine. Just waiting for the Blackbird to arrive.

      2. Jason Avatar

        Thanks Derek. I wasn’t sure which of the 3 different plans was more effective. In your forum thread, you specifically mentioned troubles getting a snug fit with your first setup. It seems like this 3rd one would be easier to adjust while laying in the hammock. I think I’ll try this one. Unfortunately, the Blackbird is still in the custody of the USPS. Testing will have to wait for now.

        By the way, your book was a huge help. I learned a number of things in it that I had not happened upon in my internet research. Thank you.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Thank you and you’re welcome! The PLUQ started off as a no sew idea because I wasn’t sure I wanted to commit my poncho liner to permanent service. That changed as I gained more experience with it.

          1. Jason Avatar

            I think it’s a great idea. Poncho liners are incredibly warm for their thin and light profile. I already own a couple of them, but I don’t want to alter them permanently. I have plans for down insulation for next year, so this just needs to get me started. The upcoming trip will be to the Arkansas Ozarks in October. Current predictions are about 40/50F overnight. Between the PLUQ, poncho, another PL, pad, space blanket, sleeping bag, and wool blanket… I should be able to make some combination work out for me.

            Thanks again for the insight and education.

  9. […] DIY Poncho Liner Under Quilt (PLUQ) (Sew and No-Sew) | The … – Here’s another one of my early illustrations, updated and improved, showing how to convert a US Army poncho liner into an under quilt. In my early hammock camping …… […]

  10. Ray Smith Avatar
    Ray Smith

    I made a no sew poncho liner under quilt by folding the poncho liner in half, tying the ends together and using shock cord and safety pins. The tied ends go under the hammock, two channels are made with safety pins on the outside to hold the shock cord. this worked pretty well as a 3/4 length under quilt, but the ends need to be cinched tight to the hammock.

    I have since sewn grosgrain channels to hold the shock cord and several loops to the ends to the cinch the ends tight to the hammock . The poncho liner under quilt works good to about 45 degrees F.

    I got a car wind shield reflector idea from a buddy and tried that; but it slides around too much and does not keep the elbows warm. To go below 40 degrees F I am going to try sliding the car wind shield reflector into the poncho liner under quilt. the fall camporee is coming up in a couple of weeks, I’ll let you know how in works. Nights can get cold in Upstate New York in October.

    Thanks to a Christmas present of a grand trunk hammock and your book, I no longer am a ground sleeper.

    Ray ‘of Sunshine’ Smith

  11. Ray Smith Avatar
    Ray Smith

    At the fall camporee at Fort Ontario in Oswego, NY I tried sliding a car wind shield reflector inside my PLUQ. It worked great. I set up my hammock on a backyard hammock frame (no trees around the fort) with a tarp over the hammock. I set the tarp to break the wind coming from the east. Of course the wind shifted to come from the north and now my tarp was a wind tunnel, but I was nice and toasty. I had my 35 degree F sleeping bag and sleeping socks. (I have a hard time sleeping with socks on but when the night got cold it was worth it.) The wind coming of of the lake makes the fort a popular place to fly kites. the wind kept increasing and it started to rain and sleet. I ahd fun though.

  12. […] around a little with suspending my sleeping bag and it felt a lot more comfortable already, but the PLUQ is a very common and well-received solution for about 20 €, so I made myself one as […]

  13. C Avatar

    I’m new to hammocks and have just finished your book which I really enjoyed. I have a Hennessy Hammock without a zipper. I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to put on a under quilt when the only entrance to the hammock is through the bottom? The problem is making me crazy.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Yes! Years ago this was more common because all Hennessys came with the bottom entry. Jacks R Better sells quilts built for the Hennessy models, but if you get a 3/4 quilt you can easily slide it aside to get out.

      1. C Avatar

        Thank you. I will take a look. I was hoping to cheap out and make a under quilt and over quilt with an old down comforter.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Sounds like a worthy DIY project.

  14. suziroo Avatar

    I got a poncho liner as an underquilt for Christmas last year but hadn’t been able to find a good way to use it yet. I spent the summer up in the Rockies and ended up buying a $1 sleeping bag to use for hammock camping. I cut a 1″ slit in the foot box to slip my tree strap through and another in the hood. Have you experimented with this style of insulation?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Yes, that is called the pea pod style. It makes it hard to lay diagonally but it can be an efficient insulator.

  15. Darryl Avatar

    First off, thanks for the easy to understand instructions.

    My question has to do specifically with the Hennessey Hammock.
    I was wondering if you found a way to keep the PLUQ functioning
    /fitting well while using the Hammock spreading tie out shock cords?

    Using the hammock tie out cords (staking them to ground etc) would force the PLUQ to sit below
    the mesh line unless I cut a small hole for the hammock tie out shock cord to go through. I have an idea to attach some shock cord to the tie out ring
    perhaps but if you have already gone through this process I would love to
    here the results.

    1. Derek Avatar

      You could add asym clips that correspond to the hammock. I use a ridge line clip that keeps the head and foot ends secure.