Handy Hammock Giveaway

Handy Hammock Promotional Shot

The folks over at Handy Hammock are sponsoring a giveaway of their lightweight hammock stand kit, exclusively with the Ultimate Hang. I am delighted that they are offering this promotion through the Ultimate Hang, not only because I am a fan of the stand (check out my review, if you haven’t already), but also because it gives me a chance to try Rafflecopter. If everything works the way I hope, Rafflecopter will manage all the entries and provide multiple ways to earn points toward the prize.

The giveaway ends on January 19, so what are you waiting for?

Handy Hammock Giveaway at Rafflecopter

Disclosure: Handy Hammock voluntarily sent me a product sample to give away. No strings attached!

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76 responses to “Handy Hammock Giveaway”

  1. Just Your Average Hiker Avatar

    Derek – great site! I’m planning to blog about one outdoors-related infographic a week on JustYourAverageHiker.com this year, ran into yours today, and had to do a mega-post, as it’d be cheating if I just highlighted one of yours every week for 2013 🙂 While it’s scheduled for September, I linked to all of your current infographics. Keep up the great work, love the blog!

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks man! I look forward to your post!

  2. Damir Avatar

    Great for my backyard!

  3. Jason Miller Avatar
    Jason Miller

    Looks neat, I will love playing with it when I win (positive reinforcement)

  4. Pat Avatar

    Sick and slick. Very cool

  5. Nik Avatar

    Nice! good luck everyone!

  6. Michael Avatar

    That would be a great hang 😉

  7. AuntieCoosa Avatar

    This is an awesome product to take Kayak camping.

  8. Craig Small Avatar
    Craig Small

    This would be an awesome late Christmas present. Plus I need a new hammock my oldest boy outgrew his and stole mine

  9. Derek Avatar

    Only four more days until we pick a winner! Thanks to everyone who has entered so far. If you have any feedback on using Rafflecopter, I’d love to hear it.

  10. Brandon Avatar

    This would be a great product to use on the treeless Boy Scout camping trips we take all of the time

  11. Chris Avatar


  12. Maggie Canady (@maggiecanady) Avatar

    No more hanging from my fence post! Also, naps in an open field!

  13. Tim Ahlstrom Avatar
    Tim Ahlstrom

    I am hammock poor and destitute… I really need a hammock!

  14. Becci Boersema Avatar
    Becci Boersema

    I would be thrilled to win this hammock system.