Portable Hammock Pipe Stand

UPDATE: For more information on portable hammock stands, check out my guest post on Section Hiker.

The hammock pipe stand has been around for a while. I believe Speer was the first to build one back in 2004. The Jacks from Jacks ‘R’ Better built a similar pipe stand for their displays out of 2 in. (5 cm.) threaded pie. I used these stands during Trail Days 2012 when I worked with the Jacks in their booth. The stand has a very simple construction (there are plenty of complex variants), travels well, and is easy to put together. I built mine from 1 in. pipe and it’s just as sturdy and costs less.

I’ve used a few commercial hammock stands in the past, but the problem with these backyard stands is that they flex once you get into the hammock. This poses a problem if you want to pitch a tarp on the stand, as the tarp will sag once the hammock is used. Stands with a horizontal bar eliminate this problem. This stand uses 6 ft. (1.8 m.) pipe lengths creating a nice 12-ft. (3.6 m.) span that will accommodate most tarp configurations and a variety of hammock sizes and styles. For indoor use, you could get away with a 10 ft. (3 m.) span and five foot leg length.

I threw this illustration together as a service to those looking for the original Speer instructions; I hope you enjoy!

hammock pipe stand

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197 responses to “Portable Hammock Pipe Stand”

  1. Larry Crouse Avatar
    Larry Crouse

    So I’m not your average sized bear…..@250#’s, would a 1″ setup work or should I just stick to the 2″. Also my eno hammock has beaners and no straps (yet), what type of hardware would you suggest for beaner usage?

    1. Derek Avatar

      Based on my experience and those I consulted when building my stand, I think you’d be fine. If you want to play the safe side, go with the 1.25 inch pipe. I think the 2 inch pipe is overkill and heavy.

    2. Chris Poole Avatar
      Chris Poole

      ENO Atlas Straps should work great on this stand.

  2. Van Campa Avatar

    Sounds like a good idea but I wish you Americans used metric measurements so the rest ofthe World could understand!

    I am thinking about making a stand using bamboo. There would be a tripod on both ends. The hammock would be attached to the ridge pole. The ridge pole would be hung from the tripod by some rope.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks for the reminder. Typically I add metrics to all my posts, but I failed here. I’m updating the post now!

    2. Clark Avatar

      Please let me know if you went through with this idea. I’m curious about how the metrics of this turned out. There are actually a lot of bamboo forests around where I live (who knew its an invasive species) and might be worth the shot at making something from bamboo before shelling out for steel pipes..

    3. Kylee Avatar

      Quick conversion: 1″ = 25.4mm

  3. Grant Avatar

    I just built a stand out of 1″ pipe and i weigh 330lbs. it holds me just fine, but I think I’m gonna be borrowing a pipe wrench from work and really tightening the fittings down and then welding the fittings that stay put so it adds some sturdiness.

    also, it seems that maybe putting foam around the support bars on the ground will help stiffen it up. or I could weld feet to the ends of the 24″ sections to add some stability.

    it is a bit rickety for now, but has a lot of potential for my uses. I’ll report back once I beef it up.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Sweet! Be sure to post some pictures on Facebook. The Jacks recommend adding elbows on the feet for stabilization. I haven’t had a problem on carpet, but it is wobbly on hard, flat surfaces. Adding some of that pool floating noodles could also work for a lot less.

      I took a pipe wrench and ratcheted all the fittings that were “permanent.” The others were hand tight so I could disassemble it for demos.

      1. Wayne Avatar

        There’s no need to weld pipe fittings that you have no intention of taking apart. You can affix (threaded) pipe fitting by applying liquid “Loctite® Red High Strength Threadlocker” I’ve tried to loosen pipe fittings after applying Threadlocker Red with extender wrenches for extra leverage, without success. If you want to separate the fittings again, you’ll need a torch. According to the package instructions, “Cured Threadlocker Red must be heated to 500ºF (260ºC) before fittings will separate.” I purchased Threadlocker Red from my local (Hawaii) NAPA Auto Parts Store (Item #765-1144). For a quick demo about Threadlocker Red, see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9zFgB8lTNM

  4. Ben Avatar

    Hey, thanks for the instructions! What is an expected materials cost for building a stand like this? Can I just put in an order at the hardware store and have them cut the pipe to the proper lengths and then thread the ends of the pipe?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I purchased all the pipe and fittings from Home Depot for about $150, if I remember correctly. I paid a premium for the convenience, but it was one of the easiest do-it-yourself stands I’ve made. You can probably get the pipe cheaper if you have access to someone (plumber, welder) who can get the pipe at wholesale and cut and thread the pipe for you.

      1. Robert Avatar

        Did the Home Depot thread the pipe you bought from them?

        1. Derek Avatar

          The pipe I purchased already had threads and caps on both ends. They were ready to go out of the box. I literally purchased the pipe on my way to a hammock demo. It worked great.

        2. Frank Avatar

          The Home Depot I went to DID cut it and thread it for me at no charge. But the guy warned me that sometimes the machine is down bc new hires don’t always know to turn the oil pump on, and it burns out the machine.

  5. Dan Avatar

    What’s the total weight of the stand when built with the 1″ pipe?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I’m not sure. Mine was built with larger diameter pipe. From other’s I’ve spoken with who’ve built stands with 1″ (2.5 cm) pipe, they said it bent and wasn’t as strong. I wouldn’t recommend the smaller pipe.

      1. Rob Avatar

        Your instructions say to use 1 inch pipe, but your reply says not to use it because it bends, and you don’t recommend it. Can you please clarify?

        1. Derek Hansen Avatar

          1-inch is okay. 1.5 is better. 2-inch is bomber. I think where I waiver is in WHO is using it. Less than 180 lbs? 1-inch is fine. If you’re hanging more weight, you may see some more bending and you want to be careful.

  6. Tai Avatar

    What pipe material do you suggest to use? Would thicker PVC pipes work?

    1. Derek Avatar

      You can experiment with PVC, but I don’t have any experience with the plastic pipes. I used 1.5 in (3.8 cm) stainless steel pipe. Friends of mine used the thinner 1 in (2.5 cm) pipe and said it was too flimsy. My friends from Jacks “R” Better use 2 in (5 cm) pipe for their stands.

  7. turk Avatar

    Hi Derek…I have read your posts on the building of the stand out of 1.5 inch pipe…I am thinking of building one ….do you have an updates on the materials or building the stand before I start on mine…also your book on hammock backpacking is great….going to use your ideas also to hang my tarps as well… thanks Turk

    1. Derek Avatar

      Thanks for the feedback and support! The Jacks recommend 2 inch pipe for extra security, and you can add corner joints on the legs to add stability. I used 1.5 inch and left off the corners for some cost savings. The 1.5 inch pipe has worked great for me.

      1. turk Avatar

        I am about 230 lbs and want to make sure the 1.5 is strong enough..Did you use galvanized ? Thanks

        1. Derek Avatar

          I believe so. It wasn’t the black steel, just the silver; my only two options. The 1.5 should be strong enough.

          1. James Avatar

            Your instructions say 1″ but your replies say 1.5″. Am I missing something?

          2. Derek Avatar

            I’ll check.

  8. Kerri Larkin Avatar
    Kerri Larkin

    Hi Derek,

    You are an inspiration to the hammock community. Thanks for your tireless good humour. Looks like I’m off to the pipe yard this afternoon to make one of these stands. I’ll let you know how it works!



    Did you or anyone every try a PVC option?? Trying to get stands for a Boy scout troop, and PVC would be much more affordable (pending no emergency room visits)…

    1. Derek Avatar

      I’ve never tried PVC, and I’m not aware of anyone yet to make one (although a few have wanted to). For your scout group, do you need a free-standing anchor? If you’re in a field, I would recommend the 3-person hammock stand instead. It’s much less expensive than even PVC and can accommodate up to 3 hammocks at a time. There are other less expensive options for a free-standing anchor, like the Turtle-Dog stand (I’m working on plans for that one soon).

    2. Van Avatar

      I would think you would have to use really thick/big diameter PVC pipe to safely support your weight. Even then, I would worry about the plastic eventually weakening and failing. Just my $0.02…

  10. Kerri Larkin Avatar
    Kerri Larkin

    Great news! I finally sourced the pipes and fittings. In Australia we don’t get the same fence fittings as the US, so I had to source galvanised water pipe. The fittings are getting hard to find as most plumbers use plastic pipe now. However, for the grand total of about $AU 200 I’ve got a 1 1/4″ stand which is plenty strong enough to manage my weight, feels sturdy, and gives me a great hang. Hooray! Thanks again Derek.

    1. Derek Avatar

      You’re welcome, Kerri. Glad it worked out for you! Send me some photos of your completed stand 😉

    2. Ray Avatar

      Hi Kerri, alot of US plumbers use either copper or PVC in homes, but industrial businesses (shops, parking lots, warehouses, plants) still use black pipe (steel). Normal, unsupported PVC can’t handle the pressures required in multi-story buildings requiring alot of water flow.

      I’m not a plumber but I have worked for a friend that has installed fire sprinklers for a few decades. So you might try to find an industrial supplier for fittings for your next build. They’re used to dealing in bulk but if you smile and tell them what it’s for, they might sell you 8 fittings but probably not any pipe. My friend usually buys pipe in 24 ft sections cuts it and threads it himself. Good luck.

  11. bagoodwin Avatar

    Hey, thanks for this post! I just had an idea. I don’t think I’d feel comfortable using wraps to attach the hammock to the stand, so I might try putting T-joints at the top instead of elbows, that way I can just use an S hook or something to go straight into the top.

    1. Ray Avatar

      I’m sure you’ve already found out that wraps are easier and more secure than an S hook directly to a T fitting.

  12. Daniel L. Avatar
    Daniel L.

    What diameter pipe did you use? I purchased all the materials from Home Depot last night and it weighs A TON. Hardly seems portable. Please help, THanks.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Daniel, I just went out to the garage with a ruler, just to triple-check. It’s 1-inch pipe. At least, that’s what it says on the labels. I’m not a plumber, but I believe the diameter is measured from the inside. The outer width is more like 1.5+ inches, taking into account the thick pipe walls. My instructions list 1-inch pipe, but I do mention that folks have made these stands out of thicker pipe. When I spent time with Jacks “R” Better, they used 2-inch pipe for their stands. Thicker pipe will be heavier, no question.

      “Portable” is in reference to its ability to break down into smaller pieces so it can fit into a trunk or the bed of a truck. The pipe stand is the best in this category of all my hammock stands. It’s “footprint” in my trunk is the smallest.

      I weighed my 1-inch pipe stand this morning. The pipe sections are roughly 10 lbs (4.5 kg) each, making the stand around 60 lbs (27 kg). I hope I didn’t give the impression that these stands were in any way “backpack-able.” I usually carry my pipe stand in sections, shuttling back and forth from my car. That’s about as much movement that this stand gets, but that’s what it’s designed for: car camping, backyard hangs, or doing hammock demos at expos, trade shows, or inside retail shops.

      1. Daniel L. Avatar
        Daniel L.

        Okay thank you Derek. VERY helpful. I didn’t know if buying a smaller diameter would make it lighter but even if it did I wouldn’t think by much. I am stilling hunting for a union joint then I can put this bad boy together! I purchased the 1.5 inch pipe and the 72” pipes are wayyyy heavier than 10 pounds. Do you think that 12 foot span is necessary? would a 10 foot span and a 5 foot height work all the same? Thank you for your time.

        1. Derek Avatar

          Much depends on how you want to use it. At 10 ft, you’ll have just enough room to hang most hammocks, but not larger hammocks, unless you hang them with a significant sag (not a problem for spacious Brazilian or Mayan-style hammocks). But with a deep sag, you’ll also need more height so you’re not on the floor. Use my hammock calculator to figure out the right hang point for your hammock and use that as a general aid when building your stand (just remember to allow a few inches for wiggle room — the calculator is exact, but reality requires more forgiving).

          I wanted a 12 ft span because that mimics real world hanging more closely. It allows me to string up a tarp with a little room to spare on each side, which in turn provides enough space and height for the hammock suspension.

          I have other stands, like the Vario, that can adjust to a very small footprint. This works with some hammocks, but it will just allow for the hammock to clip on and no room for a tarp.

          1. salty frog Avatar
            salty frog

            Will the pipe stand at 12ft work with Kammock Roo, being such a large hammock?

          2. Derek Avatar


  13. Frank Avatar

    Do you think it would work with 2 36″ pieces vs. 1 72″ piece for the vertical supports? Or would it lose too much structural integrity to support the loaded hammock?

    1. Derek Avatar

      I wouldn’t recommend shorter poles as the stress could bend the pipe. Unless you add a larger coupler over or through the two sections, it is risky.

      1. Frank Avatar

        That’s what I was afraid of. Thanks for all the great info on this site!

  14. Kent Avatar

    Hi, saw the post and will be making one this weekend. will be using 1.5 or 2″ pipe. will report back with pic/maybe a video . I do alot of Off roading Jeep 4×4 wrangler rock crawling, and alot of times the camp sites we stay at dont have tree’s located in locations close to my other wheeling buddies, so this will be nice to carry in my jeep , just incase, plus, if i dont need it, i can use it with a tarp as an extra shelter area for cooking or just hanging out at night.

    1. Derek Avatar

      Fantastic! My uncle does a lot of jeeping in the southwest of Utah where trees can be scarce. A portable pipe stand should work out well!

    2. Kent Avatar

      I am going to modify, to make this easyer to store/carry. instead of 6ft sections (72inches), across the top i am going to do 3 4 foot sections and for the two up right poles at each end i am going to make those 2 3 foot sections, sure i will have a few more items, and union joints, but it will be smaller in length when apart, thus easyer to store.

      1. Kent Avatar

        Ok, my specs are as follows, this works, very sturdy, and fits in the back of my jeep wranger JK 2D. a few more
        connections, but im 250lbs and no issues.

        http://s275.photobucket.com/user/kent10s/library/Hammock-no-trees?sort=3&page=1 for the immages.
        My specs are as follows.
        3 (4ft sections 1″)
        4 (3ft sections 1″)
        4 (2ft sections 1″)
        2 90degree elbows
        6 “T” joints

        really sturdy, i will make a few adjustments but overall it all fits easy in my back, and if trees are around, then this can act as a canopy with my tarps.

        1. Lisa Jak Avatar
          Lisa Jak

          Hello, Kent. I am so making this! I know how to thread pipe and have a buddy with the machine. Chuck it in a duffle bag with a pipe wrench and sweet hangin under the stars! Cheers

  15. Kent Avatar

    I have since modified the end pipes, the images on the site above are 2 3ft sections, i went and got 2 5ft sections which still barely fit in my jeep. this cuts the 4 pole ends to just 2. the total height is not 5ft instead of 6. a bit more compact, but still plenty of ground clear with lots of adjustments.

    the biggest issue i have it getting the pip dis’assembled , i can get it on pretty snug, but break down can be a bear, need some kind of options to help hold the pip and fitting so u can unscrew it if its in snug.

    i did get a pipe wrench, its got a thick rubber strap, but it tends to slip on the round pipe.. need some better ideas
    on how to tighten, untighten this so setup and breakdown is easyer.

    1. Van Avatar

      I just want to clarify what you did for other readers because I found your response confusing.

      You had: 2, 3-foot pipe sections on each end
      You went to: 1, 5-foot pipe on each end

      Okay, so why did you change the ends? Did you find that it wasn’t as sturdy as you originally thought?

      The reason I’m asking is because using smaller pipe sections makes for easier transport.

    2. Mark Avatar

      Get a tube od STL-8 it is a pipe thread lubricant that helps screw them on and off more easily. If you do not use STL-8 the pipe surfaces can gall together and make it very hard to disassemble.

    3. Lisa Jak Avatar
      Lisa Jak

      Hello, kent. You are supposed to use one pipe wrench to hold the pipe and a second one to tighten and loosen. If you hold the handle and grab the adjustable part you can feel it wiggle a bit? That is how it lock s onto the pipe. So you put the first pipe wrench on the ground with the open end facing up just a hair looser than the pipe. The wrench handle towards you. Place the pipe into wrench. Then take the second wrench and place on top of the pipe with open end facing down just a hair more open than the pipe. Handle towards you. Bottom wrench stays on ground and top wrench goes back and fourth like a ratchet. You will know how loose to adjust the wrench s because they will lock onto pipe when pressure applied but then unlock so you can re position for next turn without having to take wrench off the pipe. Works to tighten as well. Good luck!