Tips For Pitch-Perfect Hammock Camping

The humble hammock has been around for thousands of years, and it is still used today in parts of the world as a primary sleeping accommodation. Yet many people I speak with think hammocks are “uncomfortable,” or it will hurt their back,” or  “they’re great for summer lounging only,” or “it’s too easy to fall out.” A lot of these misconceptions come from the modern rope hammocks with their spreader bars and large woven nets. These hammocks are notoriously tippy, due to their high center of gravity and tight pitch. Unfortunately, they’ve given authentic hammocks a bad wrap.

Most camping hammocks are based on the original, authentic Brazilian or Mayan styles of South America with their deep sag, tight weave, and gathered ends.

Here are some quick tips for getting started with hammock camping, including getting that perfect Brazilian hang.

1. Use webbing straps around trees or other anchor points. One to 1.5 in (2.5 to 3.8 cm) polyester or polypropylene webbing straps help disperse the weight and reduce damage to trees or other objects. Polyester and polypropylene are also low-stretch, so you won’t sag during the night (avoid nylon straps, which stretch).

30 degrees for hammock straps1. Angle your hammock suspension (rope) at around 30°. Pitching a hammock too tight between anchor points puts an enormous amount of force on the suspension lines and hammock, leading to potential failure (and discomfort). A tight pitch also raises the center of gravity, making the hammock unsteady. Pitching the hammock at 30° ensures you get a deep sag (tip #2).

2. Get a deep(ish) sag. Like a friendly smile, a hammock should be low in the center and high  near the ends. With a deep sag, it is very difficult to accidentally fall out, thanks to the low center of gravity and high fabric walls. A deep sag allows you to lay on the diagonal (tip #3).

How to sleep and lay in a hammock

3. Lay on the diagonal. A lot of beginners try to sleep in line with the hammock, curving their bodies into a banana shape. I find that this takes a lot of effort, because with a good sag, your feet naturally slide to one side or the other, finding a “pocket” of fabric. By angling your body askew of center, you fall into a ergonomically flat position (it looks a bit like a recumbent bicyclist), where the hammock takes away all the pressure points naturally. The diagonal lay is the key to comfort in a gathered-end hammock.

Hammock Under Quilt Example

4. Insulate underneath. Hammocks are a godsend in hot, muggy areas where the extra air circulation makes outdoor camping tolerable. But as temperatures drop below 70°F (21°C), you’ll start to feel the effects of convective heat loss known as Cold Butt Syndrome (CBS). A sleeping pad (closed-cell foam or self-inflating) works great, and some hangers use them year-round. Purpose-built “under quilts” are another popular option for keeping you warm underneath. For hot summer nights, you may only need a thin blanket to regulate your temperature.

Hammock Bug Net

5. Guard against flying bugs. When flying bugs (mosquitos, moths, midges, biting flies, etc.) are a problem, you’ll want bug netting to protect you. Some camping hammocks have sewn-in netting, but you can purchase after-market netting too. My Hammock Manufacturer List indicates which retailers sell hammock bug netting.

6. Protect yourself from rain. A basic 8×10 tarp is more than adequate to protect you from rain and wind. You can also find models with extra tie-outs for more pitching options. You can pitch tarps in a variety of styles, including a basic diamond configuration, an “A”-frame, or a fully-enclosed shelter with doors on the ends.


Read More: Pitching options for a 10×10 tarp

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98 responses to “Tips For Pitch-Perfect Hammock Camping”

  1. Daisy Avatar

    water can still get to your hammock by trickling down the suspension lines.

    1. Derek Hansen Avatar

      Yes, very good point. In this example, we focus on basics, but in my book I describe these more complex scenarios to reduce or eliminate water seeping. It’s not a major problem and it gets complicated due to the type of suspension systems folks use, so there isn’t a universal answer. Some folks never have a problem and it may be because their suspension and attachment points are actually doing the work for them. In other cases, folks have to take specific action to keep water from seeping into their hammock. Check out my video on drip lines for more information.

  2. Don Davies Avatar
    Don Davies

    I think a hammock is really great but simple contraption. It provides leisure and comfort and what’s good about it is you can bring it along with you on outdoor trips. I’ve got several from and it’s just amazing and simple! Plus the quality is really great too!

  3. Curio Centre Avatar

    Diagonal laying is the perfect idea for a hammock.

  4. Roger Spendlove Avatar
    Roger Spendlove

    I can’t seem to get into a good diagonal lay. I have a Kamock Roo, and I use a BigAgnes sleeping bag which has a sleeve for the back/underside to hold my inflatable pad (which I LOVE b/c it never slides out from under me!). But once I get into the hammock & bag, I can’t get myself shifted around into a diagonal. Or if I do, it doesn’t last. Do you have any tips for getting oneself into diagonal — and staying there?

    1. Derek Hansen Avatar

      How tight are you hanging your hammock? What angle?

      1. Roger Spendlove Avatar
        Roger Spendlove

        Sorry I forgot to mention! I do follow your advice for a somewhat loose hang at 30deg before I climb in.

        1. Derek Hansen Avatar

          Hmm. The Roo is fairly big hammock. If you’re pretty tall, you may exceed the dimensions where your legs are starting to hit the sidewall and then can’t get too diagonal. One other thing you can try is put your foot end about 12 inches higher. If you can change the hang point, you can move your hammock where the foot end is closer to the anchor point.