Comments on: Review – OneTigris Kompound Hammock and Night Protector Under Quilt Hammock tips, illustrations, and reviews. Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:15:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Charles Tue, 13 Dec 2022 00:15:30 +0000 In reply to Derek Hansen.

exceptional reply. thank you very much, and agreed on all points.

By: Derek Hansen Mon, 07 Nov 2022 14:14:08 +0000 In reply to JAMES Moffitt.

I love the Hummingbird Hammock. They have great hammocks. By “durability” I would say it is fine; it will last you many years. But any UL hammock I am much more careful about keeping it off the ground to avoid punctures and scrapes.

By: JAMES Moffitt Sun, 06 Nov 2022 20:13:52 +0000 In reply to Derek Hansen.

I really like your review. Unbiased and fact based. I was wondering if you have an opinion on the durability of hummingbird hammocks. I’m upgrading from a Amazon $20 hammock with net to an UL hammock for section hikes of the AT we do every year. We typically do a 4-5 day and I use for weekend campouts too. Any thoughts on durability?

By: JF Tue, 22 Jun 2021 19:44:01 +0000 In reply to Derek Hansen.

Hey Derek, just to let you know that this hammock + onetigris UQ worked really well for our first backpacking trip! Bought the double sized onetigris UQ (roomier for asym lay), temps dipped to 50f and I was toasty warm.

Only complaint is indeed the smaller size. What I found is that its possible to get comfortable, but the comfort really depends on the suspension angle. Anything too “tight” and it will make it hard to get a good diagonal going. When trying the setup at home (parks, etc) I was very comfortable (30 degree angle), really no problem. Could sleep in this for hours. However out in the woods I only had trees that were wayyy furter apart than what I really wanted. Even putting the suspension as high as I could, I had to adjust the suspension (whoopie slings) to be pretty tight (or else the bottom of the hammock would touch the ground). That made everything less comfortable. Not sure that’s really the fault of the hammock or operator error…

Will probably want to upgrade later, but still really happy that this hammock got me out in the woods for cheap. Thanks!

By: Derek Hansen Tue, 22 Jun 2021 18:17:04 +0000 In reply to JF.

If you’re just starting, the OneTigris is a great option. Also check out OneWind.

By: Tom Mon, 26 Apr 2021 17:38:37 +0000 Americans belittling Chinese-made products is incredibly stupid. A Chinese factory will make any product at ANY specified quality. A cheap, crappy hammock (or any other item) is cheap and crappy BY DESIGN. Because the company (often, the US-based) specified that they wanted the cheapest options for greatest profit… which means the cheapest materials and assembly (number of stitches, bolts, etc).

Americans’ hunger for having the cheapest possible products created the very demand and manufacturing of the products that Americans now love to complain about.

You want quality product? Pay for it.

And because of lower labor costs, access to raw goods and manufacturing experience, I guarantee that I would get a better product for my $100 in a Chinese factory than anywhere in the U.S.

By: Derek Hansen Sun, 28 Mar 2021 22:32:01 +0000 In reply to Nick.

They will work fine and are budget friendly. Other options are Arrowhead Equipment and OneWind.

By: Nick Wed, 03 Mar 2021 02:46:02 +0000 Any specific thoughts on the under quilt? I’m looking for something to add to a Grand Trunk Skeeter Beeter Pro.

