Comments on: Sierra Madre Research Pares and xPlor Hammock Review Hammock tips, illustrations, and reviews. Tue, 05 Jun 2018 17:26:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Fri, 03 Mar 2017 23:20:44 +0000 In reply to Filip.

You’re right, sorry! I mixed it up with their smaller hammock. So size-wise, about the same. The Pares has a softer feel, but more stretchy.

By: Filip Fri, 03 Mar 2017 22:24:56 +0000 In reply to Derek.

Huh, Well in sizing specifications, SMR Pares seems to be larger and longer than Roo …
Checked on both sites.

By: Derek Fri, 03 Mar 2017 21:59:50 +0000 In reply to Filip.

I’d get the larger Roo for your size. The SMR has nicer cozy fabric but it also stretches more. Not a big deal for many.

By: Filip Fri, 03 Mar 2017 20:19:34 +0000 Hello,

If you were to compare SMR Pares and Kammok Roo for a tall guy of 1.86 and small girl of 1m60, which one would you choose ?
In terms of softness of the tissue, which one is standing ?

They are both solid and professionnaly crafted.

Thanks for answer ! 🙂

By: Derek Tue, 05 Jul 2016 15:30:02 +0000 In reply to Lane Douglas.

The other mitigating factor is the fabric itself. This is a variable I cannot account for in the calculator: accounting for stretch. I’ve had the exact same issue in a number of hammocks, the SMR hammocks are one. If the fabric stretches too much, even a proper hang won’t solve the problem of bottoming out in some hammocks. Some lightweight fabrics have this same issue. I’ve developed “ruts” in some hammocks where my body will just slip into and I’m stuck in that angle. Sometimes that adversely affects the shoulder squeeze and lay angle. I would try a different hammock. Some of the diamond weave nylon and polyester fabrics are less stretchy.

By: Lane Douglas Tue, 05 Jul 2016 14:40:40 +0000 Your site and book are great tools, can’t wait for the new book! (Soon I hope?)
I have a Pares, only to use on my lower porch at the house. I can’t get it to hang right. I’ve used the hang calculator, a tape measure, I have the numbers perfect. My issues, tight on shoulders, head to high, just too tight end to end. I follow all the numbers, but hang angle is not even close to 30. Suggestions? I’m 6′ 230#, but my grandson, about 5’6″, 130#, has similar issues.

By: Derek Thu, 11 Jun 2015 02:50:47 +0000 In reply to Dan.

Good question, Dan. The most complicated part of a hammock, in terms of technical things, is rigging it up with the suspension. I have a post specifically addressing suspension systems for new hangers, but the basics are pretty easy to master. I highly recommend getting my book, which has a lot of info on setting up a hammock right.

By: Dan Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:18:11 +0000 Hello,

I’m new to camping and have two boys in cub scouts, the older crossing over to boy scouts in the winter. I’m researching gear for camping and found your site. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s excellent.

When you review gear, do you look at it from different levels of experience? Do you have something that says this is good for beginners or experts, and so on?


