Comments on: ENO JungleNest Review Hammock tips, illustrations, and reviews. Sat, 21 Jan 2023 20:58:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Hansen Sat, 21 Jan 2023 20:58:01 +0000 In reply to Misty.

If he already likes the ENO Double, he’ll be fine in the ENO JungleNest. The JungleNest is bigger (not wider). The extra width is all you’re getting in the ENO Double. It’s more length you want, not width, so if he is cozy and likes the size, then the JungleNest should be fine. If you’re on a budget and looking for a bigger jungle hammock, I’d look at either OneWind hammocks or Ridge Outdoor Gear.

By: Misty Fri, 18 Nov 2022 16:48:43 +0000 Thanks so much for the information! I was just about to order for my son, but he’s a giraffe, and it sounds like this won’t work with his 6’5″ frame. Do you think a double eno with the eno DX bug net would work? He loves his double eno and kamock, but hates bugs.

By: Will Fri, 05 Jan 2018 02:12:10 +0000 I’m 5’8″ 175 pounds. I almost gave up on hammocks because of the ENO Junglenest. I’ve had various mesh hammocks and liked them. When I decided I’d like a camping hammock, like a lot of complete noobs, I went to REI, quickly decided a bug net was a good idea….At first I thought I was just doing it wrong. I finally decided the bug net is too small. I can’t imagine anyone actually tried this out before they went into production. With any kind of a diagonal lay, the bug net drops in the middle and fights any stretching out. A bug net right in your face is a drag. Usually my head ends up pressed against the mesh. Mosquitos must love these.
The too tight bug net fights a comfortable diagonal lay. I had all kinds of plans on how to make this hammock more useable but decided it just isn’t worth it.This hammock is probably too short, the bug net is terrible design, it needs to be a lot bigger. With the bug net completely unzipped, it’s a lot more comfortable, but to keep the bug net from bothering me from the one side, I had to use a couple of spring clamps. Your suggestion of flipping the whole thing over or adding a couple of tie-backs is good. ENO should have done this.
I also wish REI had spent a bit more time deciding which hammocks to sell in its stores. Being in one of the largest most respected outdoor gear retailers gives this hammock a place of prominence it doesn’t deserve and that undermines hammock camping.

By: Derek Fri, 09 Sep 2016 16:05:01 +0000 In reply to rick brannon.

Just to clarify, this hammock, or any double hammock for that matter, are best for single occupancy. The term “double” just means a little wider fabric but it’s not like a double or two person tent. This is a good jungle hammock for cost. Hennessy and DD Hammocks are also good.

By: rick brannon Fri, 09 Sep 2016 15:53:57 +0000 Thanks for the review. I am looking for a good double hammock for backpacking, to include bugnet and fly. One that will work in winter and summer camping. I say double because with grandchildren and possibly my wife I will need the room. Also having extra rrom for gear cannot hurt. I am 6’0″ 220. suggestions? The Clark I think is too expensive. The hennessy seems to be the higher rated but that could be marketing.

By: Derek Sun, 31 May 2015 04:32:57 +0000 In reply to Benjamin Leonard.

I owned the skeeter beeter ultralight but that has been discontinued. I’ve also handled the current model. I preferred the ultralight because it used one panel of fabric as opposed to three. I guess it is a pet peeve of mine. Other brands don’t do this including the hammock bliss no see um no more, the ENO junglenest, and I think the byer of Maine moskito kakoon.

By: Benjamin Leonard Sun, 31 May 2015 03:51:40 +0000 I’d be curious what your thoughts are on the Skeeter Beeter. I don’t see a review but it appears form the article that you own one.

By: Derek Sun, 22 Mar 2015 02:22:06 +0000 In reply to Laura Doan.

If weight is not a concern, than your options are really open. Any of the ENO tarps will work, but if you want more coverage, I might look at the Ticket-to-the-Moon tarp, or the Grand Trunk Goods tarp, or even the large tarp from Hammock Bliss. They are all in the same price range, but have varying degrees of coverage. If you want to integrate both the bug net and tarp together, the Hammock Bliss Sky Tent is ideal, and also the Sierra Madre Research Nubé. Stand-alone bug nets from Kammok, ENO, and Ticket-to-the-Moon are fairly comparable, but Kammok has the best quality and lowest weight, followed by ENO and TTTM.
