Comments on: The Piranha from Fish Bone Knotless Gear Review Hammock tips, illustrations, and reviews. Tue, 05 Jun 2018 16:31:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Tue, 07 Jan 2014 22:33:35 +0000 In reply to shawn.

Shawn, thanks. What you’ve outlined is exactly what I’m working on — a comparison chart of objective data. It’s a lot of work, but it is coming along.

By: shawn Tue, 07 Jan 2014 21:53:57 +0000 I have your book and enjoy your posts here and on HF. The latest on the TATO device has me intrigued (but concerned about line stress on the edges).

Your statement above “.I like to tinker with hardware devices to see if they deliver on any promise of improved speed, efficiency, take-down, or dexterity—functions more critical in winter when gloved hands make working with knots more difficult. ” says it all. Many of these seem like a way to suck money out of the hanger via trial and error.

A comparison of useful devices versus similar items and snake oil would be great. A knot diminishes line strength and devices cause line abrasion. In addition to your aforementioned criteria, something that includes pros, cons, weight price would be beneficial too. In the war of grams/benefit, many of these would never make the cut.

I am working down my weight, and I am search of the perfect combination of speed and convenience for my 7 yr old. It’s pretty hard to beat the camp nano 23’s and whoopies at this point.

Thanks for telling it like it is and congrats on your success.

By: Derek Thu, 02 Jan 2014 15:22:44 +0000 In reply to backpackingZombie.

There are a few “hacks” people have done to the Piranha, including sharpening the “fin” to make it work as a bottle opener, can opener, etc. Some have drilled and installed a gate to make it into a carabiner. None of these hacks are standard out of the box.

By: backpackingZombie Thu, 02 Jan 2014 14:30:13 +0000 Does it double as a bottle opener?
